Table 2.
Known BC susceptibility SNPs demonstrating associations in the BRCA2 case-only analysis.
Location | SNP namea | Chrb | Positionc | Nearest gene | Estimated effect allele | Referent allele | Frequencyd | r2 | ORe | Pf | ORBCACg | PBCACh | ORcomputedi | Variation in riskj |
5q11.2 | rs62355902 | 5 | 56053723 | MAP3K1 | T | A | 0.18 | 0.98 | 0.89 | 1.10e−04 | 1.18 | 8.50e−42 | 1.05 | TT1 |
9q31.2 | rs10759243 | 9 | 110306115 | RP11-438P9.2 | A | C | 0.31 | 1 | 0.89 | 4.60e−06 | 1.06 | 4.20e−10 | 0.95 | TT1 |
22q13.1 | chr22_40876234_C_T | 22 | 40876234 | MKL1 | C | T | 0.11 | 1 | 0.88 | 2.8e−04 | 1.12 | 5.70e−16 | 0.98 | TT1 |
N = 62,822 breast cancer cases (57,725 BCAC cases and 5,097 BRCA2 mutation carrier cases).
Considering SNPs with known BC (Michailidou et al.)35 associations in the general population.
TT1 tends to 1, ISD increase in same direction, IOD increase in opposite direction.
aAfter allowing for multiple testing, α* = 2.7 × 10−4.
cBuild 37 position.
dFrequency of the allele for which effect is estimated in BCAC cases (OncoArray dataset).
ePer allele odds ratio estimated in the case-only analysis. OR values were computed from a two sided logistic regression using a 1 df lrtest adjusted for age at BC diagnosis, country and the first four principal components.
fp-value in the case-only analysis (after allowing for multiple testing, p* = 2.7 × 10−4).
gPer allele odds-ratio estimated in BCAC (Michailidou et al.)35.
hp-value in BCAC (Michailidou et al.)35. For SNPs with PBCAC > 10−8, significance was attained in merging data of Oncoarray, iCOGS and 11 different breast cancer GWAS in Michailidou et al.35.
iPer allele computed odds-ratio (OR × ORBCAC).
jCompared with Michailidou et al’s OR estimates35.