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. 2021 Feb 2;35:106827. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.106827
Subject Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
Specific subject area Structural Interventional Cardiology, Valvular Heart Disease
Type of data Table, Figure
How data were acquired Each of the participating centers is maintaining a prospective database of all TAVI patients treated at that center, using the same dedicated archiving software.
Data format Raw, analysed
Parameters for data collection Among all consecutive patients undergoing TAVI, those ones died intraprocedurally, or with chronic kidney disease (CKD) requiring hemodialysis, or with recent pre-TAVI acute renal failure, or who did not received any CM during TAVI, or who received CM, nephrotoxic agents and/or n-acetylcysteine within 5 days prior and 72 h after TAVI as well as those ones whose sereum creatinine (SCr) level before TAVI was not available, were excluded.
Description of data collection All baseline demographics, clinical, laboratory, electro- and echocardiographic, intra- and postprocedural data, and hospital complications and outcomes were prospectively collected from each patient's health record, whereas the analysis was performed retrospectively. Pre-TAVI mortality risk scores were retrospectively calculated online, using the official calculators. Data on events occurring after discharge and re-hospitalizations for all causes were derived from follow-up outpatient visits or by telephonic interview with the patient, the relatives or the responsible physicians.
Data source location
  • Policlinico University Hospital, Bari, Italy

  • “Santa Maria” Clinic, Bari, Italy

  • “Montevergine” Clinic, Mercogliano, Italy

Data accessibility With the article (raw data are available upon individual request)
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