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. 2021 Feb 3;4:28–44. doi: 10.1016/j.crfs.2021.01.002

Table 2.

Deep Learning (DL) applications in hyperspectral image analysis of food products.

Study Wavelength range (nm) Spectral pre-processing Image processing Deep learning characteristics
DL Computation software Classification accuracy References
Deep learning network type Network topology and features Parameter values/Pertinent particulars Training set: Validation set
Detection of aflatoxin in peanut 400–1000 Image binarization and thresholding Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 1st layer- input; 2nd layer-convolution; 3rd layer-sub-sampling; 4th layer- convolution; 5th layer-sub-sampling; Output layer (fully connected); epochs: 1-100 Mean Error-11.39–2.74%;
Time required: 150–15000s
80:20 96% Han and Gao (2019)
Detection of internal mechanical damage in blueberries 400–1000 Subsampling, image resizing, data augment and normalization Two convolutional neural networks used: Residual Network (ResNet) and ResNeXt Convolution layer filter size: 3 ​× ​3; stride:2; Activation function: Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) Learning rate, decay rate and decay step: 0.1, 0.1 and 32,000 80:20 MATLAB R2014a 88% Wang et al. (2018)
Determination of chemical compositions in dry black goji berries 900–1700 Image thresholding Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) One-dimension (1D) convolution layers, max pooling layers, ReLU activations, a fully connected layer. convolution kernel size: 3 ​× ​3; stride:1; Max pooling layers: 2; stride:2 Learning rate and batch size: 0.005 and 5 65:35 MATLAB R2014b;
88% Zhang et al., 2020b, Zhang et al., 2020a
Determination of rice varieties 400–1000 Multivariate scatter correction (MSC), standard normal variate (SNV), Savitzky–Golay smoothing and Savitzky-Golay's first-order Texture parameters calculation: gray-level gradient co- occurrence matrix (GLGCM), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) Principal component analysis network (PCANet) deep learning network 75:25 MATLAB R2017b;
98.57 Weng et al. (2020)
Detection of internal defects in cucumber 400–1000 Image thresholding Convolutional Neural Network -Stacked Sparse Auto-Encoder (CNN-SSAE) deep learning architecture Greedy layer-wise unsupervised pretraining; Staking of additional output layer (softmax classifier) on pre-trained SSAE; training through gradient descent with back-propagation Sparsity control parameter (β)-0.1 on encoding neurons; two layers: 16 encoding neurons in each layer 80:20 91% Liu et al. (2018)
Prediction of firmness and soluble solid content of pear 400–1000 Multiplicative signal correction (MSC); successive projections algorithm (SPA) Image thresholding Stacked auto-encoders (SAE) and fully-connected neural network (FNN) Feature extraction from hyperspectral data through SAE Input for FNN: SAE extracted features 80:20 MATLAB 8.1;
Firmness: 89%; Soluble solid content: 92% Yu et al. (2018)
Identification of rice variety (single seed) 900–1700 Wavelet transform (Daubechies 8- basis function; decomposition level 3); Image thresholding Convolutional neural network (CNN) adapted from Visual Geometry Group (VGG) Net Two convolutional layers, max pooling layer, fully connected layer, dropout and dense layers (output layer). Kernel size-3x3; stride-1; padding-1; epochs:200; ReLU activation function; softmax function on output Learning rate-0.0005 80:20 92% Qiu et al. (2018)
Detection and quantification of nitrogen content in rapeseed leaf 400–1000 Image thresholding Stacked auto-encoders (SAE) and fully-connected neural network (FNN) Feature extraction from hyperspectral data through SAE Input for FNN: SAE extracted features 80:20 MATLAB 8.1;
90% Yu et al. (2019)
Classification of coffee bean varieties 900–1700 Savitzky–Golay first-order derivative Image segmentation: watershed algorithm Two branch convolutional neural network (2B–CNN) 1st branch: 1D convolution of spectral features; 2nd branch: 2D convolution of spatial features; Fully connected layer-Absent; Training- Batch normalization and dropout strategy; epochs: 100 Trained weights: effective wavelengths indicator 80:20 95% Liu et al. (2019)
Detection of bruises in strawberry 900–1700 Savitzky–Golay first-order derivative Image segmentation: watershed algorithm Two branch convolutional neural network (2B–CNN) 1st branch: 1D convolution of spectral features; 2nd branch: 2D convolution of spatial features; Fully connected layer-Absent; Training- Batch normalization and dropout strategy; epochs: 200 Trained weights: effective wavelengths indicator 80:20 99% Liu et al. (2019)