A, B
Aggregate number of detected and undetected cysteines (A) and lysines (B) in 3,840 CpDAA‐containing proteins.
Heatmap of missense score correlations for all possible nonsynonymous SNVs at CpD cysteine (29,541 missense) for eight pathogenicity scores. Overall, Spearman's rank r was between 0.36 and 0.91.
CpD Lysine (41,850 missense) heatmap for missense score correlations for all possible nonsynonymous SNVs. Spearman's rank r between 0.16 and 0.81.
Odds of predicted deleterious Cys > Trp (red) missense at detected (n = 6,057) vs undetected (n = 34,049) residues in 3,840 detected proteins. Deleterious missense defined by CADD38, FATHMM, and DANN score thresholds (y axis). CADD38 OR = 0.76, P = 3.40e‐22; FATHMM OR = 0.92, P = 0.02; DANN OR = 0.690, P = 6.69e‐26. Odds of predicted deleterious Lys > Ile (blue) missense at detected (n = 3,581) vs undetected (n = 63,385) residues in 3,840 detected proteins. CADD38 OR = 1.80, P = 1.03e‐53; FATHMM OR = 1.55, P = 3.47e‐33; DANN OR = 1.75, P = 9.21e‐14. *P < 0.0042 Bonferroni‐adjusted (two‐tailed Fisher's exact test).
Odds of ClinVar pathogenic variant overlapping detected (6,057 Cys; 8,868 Lys) vs undetected (34,050 Cys; 140,652 Lys) residues in 3,840 detected proteins. Cys detected in ClinVar pathogenic site (red, OR = 1.17, P = 0.457) and Lys detected at ClinVar Pathogenic site (light blue, OR = 2.76, P = 1.03e‐04). Combined Cys and Lys (dark blue, OR = 2.26, P = 9.99e‐07) *P < 0.0167 Bonferroni‐adjusted (two‐tailed Fisher's exact test).