Six hours after LPS injection, the physiological and behavioral effects related to the sickness did not differ between mice that received standard diet as compared to mice that received VTX-enriched diet before the immune challenge. Histograms (A–C) represent (A) the variation in body weight and (B) food intake and (C) the frequency of symptoms of sickness behavior in LPS-injected animals previously fed with standard diet or VTX-enriched diet. (D) Representative movement traces of all groups in the open field. CZ, central zone. Histograms (E–H) represent the behaviors in the open field test; (E) total distance moved (cm) in the entire open field area; (F) number of rearings during test; (G) resting time during test; (H) percentange of time spent in the center of the open field. (I) Serum corticosterone levels of animals that did not perform behavioral tests (cohort 2) 6 h after the immune challenge. Treatment as indicated in the legend, n = 12 mice per group except for the evaluation of frequency of symptoms of sickness behavior n = 18 per group. Data are represented as means ± SEM and were analyzed with ANOVA followed by Tukey’s HSD (two-way ANOVA: ◦ p < 0.05, ◦◦◦ p < 0.001 main effect LPS/saline; post hoc: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, indicating a significant difference compared to saline-treated matching group).