Table 1.
Study characteristics.
Study | Setting/patient group | Inclusion criteria | Numbers | RRT modality | Early definition for RRT | Late definition for RRT | Outcomes |
Pursnani et al.27 | Single centre; all inpatients; medical only | Diagnosis of acute tubular necrosis with serum creatinine <7 mg% and blood urea <120 mg% | Total = 35 Early = 18 Late = 17 | IHD | Early hemodialysis (as soon as met eligibility criteria) | Conservative management | Overall mortality Length of hospital stay Adverse events |
Bouman et al.28,a | Two centres, single country; ICU only; mixed patients | Urine output <30 ml/h for >6 h and creatinine clearance <20 ml/min | Total = 106 Early = 70 Late = 36 | CRRT | RRT started within 12 h of inclusion | Plasma Urea level >40 mmol/l, potassium >6.5 mmol/l or severe pulmonary oedema | ICU, hospital and 28-day mortality Recovery of renal function at 90 days Duration of ICU and hospital stay Adverse events |
Sugahara and Suzuki29 | Single centre; ICU only; surgical only | Post-CABG patients. Hourly urine output <30 ml/h and serum creatinine increased at rate of 0.5 mg/dl/day or more | Total = 28 Early = 14 Late = 14 | CRRT | Urine output <30 ml/h for three consecutive hours (or daily urinary output 750 ml or less) | Urine output <20 ml/h for two consecutive hours (or daily urinary output 500 ml or less) | 14-day mortality Changes in BP, urine output and creatinine |
Jamale et al.30 | Single centre; all inpatients; medical only | Severe AKI with increasing serum urea and creatinine levels | Total = 208 Early = 102 Late = 106 | IHD | Serum urea >70 mg/dl and/or creatinine level >7 mg/dl | Treatment refractory hyperkalaemia, volume overload, acidosis. Uremic nausea and anorexia with inability to maintain oral intake | In hospital mortality Dialysis dependence at 90 days Number of RRT days Adverse events |
Wald et al.31 | Multiple centres, single country; ICU only; mixed patients | Volume repletes severe AKI with two criteria from three: creatinine doubled from baseline, urine output <6 ml/kg in last 12 h or whole blood NGAL >400 ng/ml. Absence of urgent indications for RRT. | Total = 100 Early = 48 Late = 52 | Mixed | RRT started within 12 h of fulfilling eligibility criteria | Potassium >6.0 mmol/l, serum bicarbonate <10 mmol/l, PaO2/FiO2 <200 with infiltrates on chest radiograph suggestive of pulmonary oedema | ICU, hospital and 90-day mortality Dialysis dependence at 90 days Length of ICU and hospital stay Adverse events |
Gaudry et al.13 | Multiple centres, single country; ICU only; mixed patients | KDIGO3 stage 3 AKI compatible with a diagnosis of ischaemic or toxic acute tubular necrosis and receiving mechanical ventilation and/or catecholamine infusion. | Total = 619 Early = 311 Late = 308 | Mixed | RRT commenced within 6 h after documentation of KDIGO3 stage 3 AKI | Urea >40 mmol/l, potassium >6 mmol/l (or >5.5 mmol/l despite medical treatment), pH <7.15, pulmonary oedema due to fluid overload requiring oxygen >5 l/ or FiO2 >50%, oliguria or anuria >72 h | 28- and 60-day mortality Dialysis dependence at 28 and 60 days Length of ICU and hospital stay Number of RRT, mechanical ventilation and vasopressor free days |
Zarbock et al.14 | Single centre; ICU only; mixed patients | KDIGO stage 2 AKI (baseline creatinine doubled or urinary output <0.5 ml/kg/h for >12 h) despite optimal resuscitation, NGAL >150 ng/ml and one of: severe sepsis, use of vasopressors, refractory fluid overload and progression of non-renal organ dysfunction | Total = 231 Early = 112 Late = 119 | Mixed | RRT started within 8 h of diagnosis of KDIGO stage 2 AKI | Commenced within 12 h of diagnosis of stage 3 AKI, or if urea >100 mg/dL, potassium >6.0 mmol/l and or ECG changes, urine output <200 ml in 12 h or organ oedema resistant to diuretic treatment | 28-, 60- and 90-day mortality Dialysis dependence at 28, 60 and 90 days Length of ICU and hospital stay Length of mechanical ventilation and RRT Adverse events |
Srisawat et al.20,b | Single centre; ICU only; mixed patients | Patients aged 18 or older diagnosed with AKI by RIFLE criteria1 | Total = 40 Early = 20 Late = 20 | CRRT | RRT started within 12 h of randomization | Severe refractory acidosis (pH < 7.2 or HCO3 <15), severe peripheral oedema, pulmonary oedema, no response to diuretics, refractory hyperkalaemia (K > 6.2 or ECG changes), anuria or oliguria or high BUN (>60) | 28-day mortality Dialysis dependence at 28 days Mechanical ventilation free days ICU-free days Renal recovery at 28 days Balance of input and output fluid |
Lumlertgul et al.21,c | Multiple centres, single country; ICU only; mixed patients | AKI with diagnosis of Acute Tubular Necrosis, clinically resuscitated and euvolaemic, no urgent indication or contraindications for RRT. | Total = 118 Early = 58 Late = 60 | CRRT | RRT was started in the early group within 6 h of randomisation | Urea >100 mg/dl, potassium >6 mmol/l, serum bicarbonate <12 mmol/l, pH <7.15, PaO2/FiO2 ratio <200 or chest radiographs compatible with pulmonary oedema | 28-day mortality Dialysis dependence and renal recovery at 28 days Length of ICU and hospital stay Number of RRT and mechanical ventilation-free days |
Barbar et al.22 | Multiple centres, single country; ICU only; mixed patients | Early phase of septic shock (within 48 h of start of vasopressor therapy) developing AKI with at least one criterion of the failure stage of the RIFLE classification system1 | Total = 488 Early = 246 Late = 242 | Mixed | RRT commenced within 12 h of documentation of ‘failure’ stage AKI1 | RRT commenced 48 h after diagnosis of AKI or if prior to this: serum potassium >6.5 mmol/l, pH <7.15 or fluid overload with pulmonary oedema | 28, 90 and 180 day mortality Dialysis dependence at 28 and 90 days Length of ICU and hospital stay RRT, mechanical ventilation and vasopressor-free days Adverse events |
AKI: acute kidney injury; BUN: blood urea nitrogen; CABG: coronary artery bypass graft; CRRT: continuous renal replacement therapy; ECG: electrocardiogram; ICU: intensive care unit; IHD: ischaemic heart disease; KDIGO: kidney disease improving global outcomes; NGAL: neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin; RIFLE: isk, injury, failure, loss, end-stage kidney disease; RRT: renal replacement therapy.
Patients in early group split into low-volume (n = 35) and high-volume (n = 35) hemofiltration.
Patients were tested for plasma neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (pNGAL) levels after recruitment. Patients with pNGAL level greater than or equal to 400ng/ml were randomized into early or late groups.
Patients underwent a furosemide stress test first. If they were non-responsive they were randomised into early or late groups.