Extended Data Fig. 3. Gross and histopathologic findings of young and aged male and female baboons experimentally exposed to SARS-CoV-2 – 14-17 dpi.
Young male baboon. The dorsal aspect of the lungs was mottled red (*) (a). Young female baboon. The dorsal aspect of the lungs was mottled red (*) (b). Young male baboon. Lung. Subgross image showing areas of consolidation (*) (c). Young female baboon. Moderate lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia with scattered neutrophils (arrowhead) (d). Young female baboon. Moderate lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia with alveolar septa (bracket) markedly expanded by mononuclear cells (lymphocytes and macrophages) and increased alveolar macrophages within the alveolar lumen (*) (e). Young male baboon. Lung. Mild lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia with increased alveolar macrophages and few syncytial cells (arrow) within the alveolar lumen (*) (f). Young female baboon. Mild lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia with scattered type II pneumocytes (arrows) and increased alveolar macrophages and neutrophils within the alveolar lumen (*) (g). Young male baboon. Lung. Alveolar septa expanded by fibrosis (*) (h). Young male baboon. Lung. Alveolar septa expanded by fibrosis (*) (i). Young female baboon. Area of bronchiolization (bracket) (j). Young male baboon. Lung. Syncytial cells within airways (arrows) (k). Young male baboon. Lung. Bronchitis. Bronchial wall expanded by infiltrates of eosinophils that expand and disrupt the epithelium (arrow). Area of bronchiolar associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) (*) (l). All slides were stained with H&E. Multiple random fields across all sections from all baboons (n=12, Supplementary Table 3) were analysed.