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. 2021 Feb 5;15(2):e0009162. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009162

Table 2. Neurological examination, ophthalmological, auditory and neurodevelopmental evaluation outcomes.

Outcomes ZIKV-exposed No. (%) or median (IQR) ZIKV-unexposed No. (%) or median (IQR) RR (IC 95%) or p-value* PAF (95% CI)
Neurological examination
Child age in months 24 (20–27) 17 (14–26) 0.18* NA
Median HINE total score (IQR) 75 (74–77) 76 (74–78) 0.77* NA
HINE total score >74 13/13 (100.0%) 33/33 (100) NA NA
Ophthalmologic alteration 1/9 (11.1%) 2/25 (8.0%) 1.39 (0.14–13.53) 9.3 (-29.5–76.8)
Child age in months 24 (20–26) 17 (14–28) 0.24* NA
Cataract 0/9 (0.0%) 1/25 (4.0%)
Ptosis 1/9 (11.1%) 0/25 (0.0%)
Synechiae 0/9 (0.0%) 1/25 (4.0%)
Auditory evaluation
Child age in months 24 (20–27) 18 (14–29) 0.24* NA
Abnormal auditory behavior test 5/13 (38.5%) 2/31 (6.5%) 5.96 (1.32–26.89) 59.5 (8.6–88.4)
Abnormal OAE 0/6 (0.0%) 0/15 (0.0%) NA NA
Neurodevelopmental function
Child age in months 21 (17–24) 15 (12–23) 0.18* NA
Bayley-III screening evaluation
At risk 1/13 (7.7%) 1/33 (3.0%) 2.56 (0.18–36.62) 30.4 (-30.0–90.9)
Emerging 4/13 (30.8%) 10/33 (30.3%) 1.07 (0.41–2.76) 1.8 (-5.7–13.8)
Competent 8/13 (61.5%) 22/33 (66.7%) 1
Bayley-III complete evaluation ≤-1 SD (at least one standard deviation) 4/13 (30.8%) 7/33 (21.2%) 1.45 (0.51–4.14) 11.3 (-16.1–49.1)
Cognitive score ≤-1 SD 4/13 (30.8%) 2/33 (6.1%) 5.07 (1.05–24.44) 53.5 (1.4–86.9)
Language score ≤-1 SD 1/13 (7.7%) 4/33 (12.1%) 0.63 (0.07–5.16) -10.3 (-35.7–54.0)
Motor score ≤-1 SD 1/13 (7.7%) 1/33 (3.0%) 2.54 (0.17–37.63) 30.3 (-30.6–91.2)

* Mann Whitney test p-value.

† Infants classified as at risk and emerging in Bayley screening were revaluated using a complete. protocol of Bayley. Children classified as competent in Bayley screening were considered as >-1 SD in the Cognitive, Language and Motor scores of the complete Bayley protocol.

‡ Nine of the ZIKV exposed and 25 of the ZIKV unexposed children completed the ophthalmological evaluation; 31 of the ZIKV unexposed children completed the auditory behavior test; and six of the ZIKV exposed and 15 of the ZIKV unexposed children completed the OAE test.

Bayley-III, Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third edition.

HINE, Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination.

OEA, otoacoustic emissions test.

NA, not applicable.

SD, standard deviation.

IQR, interquartile ratio.

PAF, population attributable fraction.