Panel A – Overall: The solid line and corresponding markers indicate the proportion (and corresponding 95% confidence interval) of patients attending an HIV/AIDS clinic in Kampala, Uganda, who stated a willingness to attend weekly clinic visits for tuberculosis preventive therapy if a per-visit financial reimbursement were offered at the value listed on the x-axis on a contingent valuation survey. The dashed line and corresponding markers indicate the proportion of patients who, when asked to state a per-visit reimbursement they would consider fair, provided a value at or below that listed on the x-axis. All financial reimbursement levels are provided in 2019 Ugandan shillings (5,000 Ugandan shillings = 1.35 US dollar in March 2019 (8)). The distance between the 20,000 and 50,000 shilling labels is reduced to enhance readability. Panel B – Patient sub-groups: The square, circle, diamond and cross-shaped markers and corresponding lines indicate the unadjusted odds ratio (and corresponding 95% confidence intervals) comparing participants’ willingness to attend clinic visits for tuberculosis preventive therapy for no reimbursement, 5,000 Ugandan shillings (USh), 10,000 USh, or 20,000 USh, respectively. Odds ratios compare subgroups of age (>39 years old vs. ≤39 years), gender (male vs. female), time to clinic (≥2 hours in transit time vs. <2 hours), distance to clinic (>15 kilometers to clinic vs. ≤15 kilometers), and poverty threshold (above poverty line ($1.90USD/day) vs. below).