Figure 7. Virus-infected neuronal cell types and loss of neuronal cell-specific protein markers in West Nile virus neurological disease (WNV-ND).
(a–d) Representative images illustrate identification of the types of neurons infected with WNV in the cerebellar cortex (a and b) and ventral horns of the gray matter in the spinal cord (c and d). Viral infection of specific neuronal types as a major biological process, and immunoreactivity (IR) for each protein marker ((a) and (c): brown; (b) and (d): colors are indicated in top-right corners) are provided for each panel. Red arrows in (d) indicate the ChAT-positive cholinergic presynaptic C-boutons innervating the somata and proximal dendrites of SMNs. Green arrows in (d) point to focal accumulations of WNV+++ granules in the proximal dendrites of WNV-infected SMN. Note that WNV+++ granules are immediately adjacent to few remaining ChAT+ C-boutons. Semi-quantitative assessment of the IR is as follows: -, negative; +, minimal; ++; moderate; +++, strong. PC, Purkinje cell. SMN, spinal motor neuron. Scale bars: 100 μm.