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. 2021 Feb 5;7:617711. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2020.617711

Table 3.

Clinical and laboratory characteristics of the type IIHBS antithrombin-deficient cohort.

All (n = 230) AT Basel(n = 9) AT Padua (n = 26) AT Budapest3 HoZ(n = 44) AT Budapest3 HeZ (n = 151) p-value
Current age yearsa (median; min–max); IQR 34 (2–76);26 51 (28–65);23 42 (18–70);23 24 (2–69);21 34 (2–74);26 <0.001
Male/female (n) 93/137 3/6 6/20 22/22 62/89 0.162
Index pts/relativesb (n) 162/68 7/2 22/4 36/8 97/54 0.041
Any thrombotic event Y/Nc (n) 131/99 5/4 12/14 41/3 73/78 <0.001
Age at first thrombotic event yearsd (median; min–max); IQR 26 (0–68);24 42 (15–51);34 50 (22–66);17 15 (0–48);16 33 (0–68);19 <0.001
VT %e 52 11 38 93 44 <0.001
Recurrent VT % within VT patients 35 0 29 38 34 0.831
ATE %f 8 44 8 5 6.6 <0.001
Ratio of FVL carriers HeZ/HoZ % 21/2 0 24/0 9/0 25/3 0.261
Ratio of FII 20210A carriers HeZ % 3.9 0 7.6 5.9 2.9 0.738
Antithrombin activity %f (median; min–max); IQR 56 (9–78);11 57 (44–74);11 57.5 (40–74);12 17 (9–59);10 57 (37–78);8 <0.001
Antithrombin progressive activity %g(median; min–max); IQR 85 (56–126);15 100 (73–117);17 105 (73–126);23 73 (56–100);11 85 (60–114);10 <0.001
Antithrombin antigen g/Lg(median; min-max); IQR 0.25 (0.13–0.35);0.05 0.3 (0.25–0.32);0.03 0.3 (0.24–0.35);0.04 0.2 (0.13–0.28);0.03 0.25 (0.17–0.31);0.04 <0.001

Isolated PE was diagnosed in 14 cases (n = 3 AT Padua, n = 3 ATBp3 HoZ, n = 8 ATBp3 HeZ).

IQR, interquartile range; HeZ, heterozygote; HoZ, homozygote.


Current age of ATBp3 homozygotes is significantly lower than current age of other groups (p < 0.001 as compared with AT Basel and Padua and p = 0.006 as compared with ATBp3 HeZ); current age of ATBp3 heterozygotes is significantly lower than current age of AT Padua (p = 0.014).


Ratio of index patients vs. relatives was lower in ATBp3 HeZ than in other groups (ATBp3 HoZ vs. ATBp3 HeZ p = 0.028, AT Padua vs. ATBp3 HeZ p = 0.044, AT Basel vs. ATBp3 HeZ p = 0.496).


Prevalence of any thrombotic events was the highest in ATBp3 homozygous group (AT Basel vs. ATBp3 HoZ p = 0.012, AT Padua vs. ATBp3 HoZ p < 0.001, ATBp3 HeZ vs ATBp3 HoZ p < 0.001).


Age at first thrombotic event of ATBp3 homozygotes is significantly lower than that of other groups (p < 0.001 as compared with ATBp3 HeZ and AT Padua and p = 0.005 as compared with AT Basel). Age at first thrombotic event of ATBp3 heterozygotes is significantly lower than that of AT Padua (p = 0.002).


Prevalence of VT events was the highest in ATBp3 homozygous group (AT Basel vs. ATBp3 HoZ p < 0.001, AT Padua vs. ATBp3 HoZ p < 0.001, ATBp3 HeZ vs ATBp3 HoZ p < 0.001).


Antithrombin heparin cofactor and progressive activity and AT antigen of ATBp3 homozygotes are significantly lower than AT activity and antigen of other groups (p < 0.001 in all comparisons).


Progressive antithrombin activity and AT antigen of ATBp3 heterozygotes are significantly lower than AT activity and antigen of AT Basel and Padua (p = 0.004 and p < 0.001 for AT progressive activity, respectively, and p < 0.001 for AT antigen for both).