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. 2021 Feb 5;9:599631. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2021.599631



Scanning electron micrography of PPy coating morphology on aligned PVDF fibers (A) Morphology of uncoated, aligned PVDF fibers and PPy-coated PVDF fibers by PPy polymerization for 1, 6, 12, 18, 24 h. Scanning electron micrographs at two different magnifications (3,000x and 15,000x) show coating stabilization and some PPy debris accumulation around PVDF fibers over time (B,C and D) Micrographs of PVDF electrospun fibers after PPy coating for 18 h (B and D) Cross sections of fibers with PVDF fibers not distinguishable from the PPy coating, while (C) imaging along the length of fibers shows formation of the core-shell structure after coating.