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. 2021 Feb 18;217(2):29. doi: 10.1007/s11214-021-00795-x
Name Examplea Description
filt ‘0’ Filter number 0-7
vflush ‘2047’ Num. charge-clearing vertical transfers before exposure
focus ‘2460’ Focus motor-count number
autoexposure ‘0’ Auto-exposure parameter (zero if not auto-exposed)
subsec ‘39’ Spacecraft clock fractional 1/256th of a second
compression[0] ‘0’ Companding table number
id ‘1’ GSE-assigned image ID
serno ‘173032’ System serial number
mech[1] ‘0’ Filter motor-count number (divisible by −294)
noteb ‘ISOP = 1.0079’ Arbitrary test noteb
initsize ‘3955264’ Initially allocated size of image in bytes
autofocus ‘0’ Auto-focus parameters (zero if not auto-focused)
status ‘1’ Instrument status
compression[1] ‘255’ Maximum pixel value (zero if not companded)
exposure ‘0.0’ Exposure time in milliseconds (divisible by 0.1)
sy ‘0’ Y-vertical start pixel (divisible by 16)
sx ‘0’ X-horizontal start pixel (divisible by 16)
sclk ‘610037823’ Spacecraft clock in epoch J2000.0 at start of exposure
dcoffset ‘110’ DC-offset pixel value subtracted from frame before companding
filter ‘0’ Filter number 0-7 (redundant with “filt”)
mech[2] ‘8652’ Zoom motor-count number (divisible by 6)
mech[0] ‘2460’ Focus motor-count number (divisible by 6, redundant with “focus”)
modec ‘9’ Camerahead mode used to read-out image
side ‘0’ Not used

aThis example mini-header comes from the image “412TAMBR01_0001.png” in the “/cal1” folder

bThe test “note” holds information like the integrating sphere out-put (ISOP) in mW/cm2srμm, the monochromator wavelength in nanometers (e.g. “WAVELENGTH = 500”), whether the cameras are looking through the TVAC window (e.g. “WINDOW = 1”), the calibration target name (e.g. “DOT40”, “MTF_SN007”, etc.), or the metrology measurement id (e.g. “METROLOGY = 001”)

cThe “mode” parameter controls the camerahead clock speed and the video exposure mode, among other things. Mode 9 commands the clock to half-speed (20 MHz), while Mode 0 commands the clock to full speed (40 MHz)