Table 1.
Summary of cited studies including the rodent model used, cannabinoid and route administered, as well as the aims and outcomes of each study.
Study | Modeled illness | Animal model and strain | Cannabinoids and dose | Administration route | Aims | Outcomes |
Abush and Akirav (10) | Major depressive disorder | Chronic restraint stress in Sprague Dawley rats | WIN55-212,2, 1.2 mg/kg; AM-251, 0.3 mg/kg | i.p. | Examine limbic glucocorticoid receptor and synaptic plasticity changes after chronic stress and/or cannabinoid exposure | Chronic cannabinoid exposure prevented stress-induced impairments in plasticity, and was CB1R-dependent |
Aguilar et al. (11) | Schizophrenia | Subchronic PCP-treated Sprague Dawley rats | URB597 (FAAH inhibitor), 0.3 mg/kg | i.p. | Examine whether increasing anandamide (via URB597) will reverse aberrant VTA DA neuronal activity | PCP-treated rats exhibit enhanced baseline VTA DA neuronal population activity compared to controls; URB597 administration reversed this effect |
Aguilar et al. (12) | Schizophrenia | Subchronic PCP-treated Sprague Dawley rats | THC, 1 mg/kg; URB597, 0.3 mg/kg | i.p. | Compare impact of THC and URB597 on mPFC and vHIP neuronal activity in PCP-treated rats and saline-treated controls | Reduced baseline firing rates in PCP-treated rats compared to controls; THC reduced mPFC alpha power in only controls, enhanced mPFC and HIP delta power in all rats, and enhanced mPFC firing rates in PCP-treated rats; For all rats, URB597 enhanced mPFC gamma power and reduced HIP delta power and mPFC-HIP delta coherence |
Atallah and Scanziani (13) | – | Wistar rats | – | – | Determine cellular mechanisms involved in phase-shifts of HIP oscillations | HIP (CA3) gamma amplitudes predict the interval to next cycle; synaptic inhibition is proportional to synaptic excitation during each cycle |
Barz et al. (14) | Schizophrenia | NRG1 +/– KO mice | – | – | Examine sensory-related spiking and gamma oscillations in somatosensory cortex of NRG1 mutant mice and WT controls using whisker stimulation | Elevated baseline firing and reduced gamma power in NRG1 mouse barrel cortex, compared to controls |
Dzirasa et al. (15) | Bipolar disorder | Clock-Δ19 mice | – | – | Record from NAc, PrlC, and VTA in ClockΔ19 mice and littermate controls while they explore a novel environment | ClockΔ19 mice exhibit baseline NAc low-gamma phase coupling and neuronal entrainment deficits; lithium partially ameliorated deficits |
Gazit et al. (16) | Major depressive disorder | Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) Sprague Dawley rats | – | – | Examine impact of DBS on VTA coherence and depressive-like behaviors | FSL rats exhibit reduced baseline gamma coherence; DBS restored coherence and rescued behavioral deficits |
Goodwill et al. (17) | Major depressive disorder | Early-life stress via limited bedding stress in Long Evans rats | – | – | Assess sex differences in depressive-like behaviors | Females exhibited depressive-like behaviors in adulthood after early-life stress, while males did not |
Hajos et al. (18) | – | Sprague Dawley rats | CP-55940, 0.1 mg/kg; AM-251, 3 mg/kg | i.v. | Measure cannabinoid-induced disruptions in auditory sensory gating and neurophysiological correlates in the EC and HIP; determine whether they are CB1R-mediated | CP-55940 reduced EC theta power, EC and HIP gamma power, and EC and HIP theta coherence; AM251 reversed EC gamma power and EC, HIP theta coherence deficits |
Hudson et al. (19) | – | Sprague Dawley rats | THC, 10 and 100 ng; CBD, 10 and 100 ng | infusion | Investigate impact of THC and CBD in vHIP on VTA neural circuit activity and emotional memory | THC enhanced VTA delta, beta, and gamma power, and reduced VTA firing rates; CBD ameliorated effects on VTA firing rates and delta power |
Iniguez et al. (20) | Major depressive disorder | Chronic social defeat stress in c57BL/6 mice | – | – | Determine whether adolescent CSDS produces a depressive-like phenotype | Adolescent CSDS produces depressive-like behaviors in c57BL/6 mice |
Iturra-Mena et al. (21) | Major depressive disorder | Chronic social defeat stress in Sprague Dawley rats | – | – | Determine the impact of CSDS on NAc oscillations during social interactions | NAc gamma power was enhanced in control rats, but not CSDS rats, during social interaction |
Khalid et al. (22) | Major depressive disorder | Chronic restraint stress in c57BL/6 mice | – | – | Investigate functional connectivity in cortical regions | Increased cortical gamma coherence after chronic stress exposure, dissipated with remission of depressive-like behavior |
Lecca et al. (23) | Schizophrenia | Maternal immune activation in Sprague Dawley rats | THC, 2.5 mg/kg (PND 45–47); 5 mg/kg (PND 48–51); 10 mg/kg (PND 52–55) | i.p. | Examine the impact of adolescent cannabinoid exposure on neurophysiological deficits in adult rats | Reduced number of active VTA DA neurons in poly I:C rats compared to controls and reduced mPFC serotonergic burst activity in controls after WIN-55,212-2 |
Lee et al. (24) | Schizophrenia | Neonatal ventral hippocampal lesion in Long Evans rats | – | – | Measure dysfunctional neural synchrony in NVHL rats and restore deficits by normalizing synchrony with ethosuximide | NVHL rats exhibit increased amplitudes and spiking activity, reduced theta and beta coherence during place avoidance behavior; ethosuximide reduced spiking activity and attenuated coherence deficits |
Linge et al. (25) | – | Olfactory bulbectomy in c57BL/6 mice | CBD, 50 mg/kg; AM251, 03 mg/kg | i.p. | Examine acute and chronic effects of CBD on depressive-like behavior and PFC serotonin/glutamate activity | Acute and chronic CBD reversed behavioral hyperactivity and increased PFC serotonin and glutamate levels in model mice |
Moussa-Tooks et al. (26) | Major depressive disorder | Early-life stress via limited bedding stress in Long Evans rats | – | – | Demonstrate early-life stress sex-dependently down-regulates cerebellar endocannabinoids in adulthood and impacts behavior | Early-life stress produced sex-specific changes in endocannabinoid expression and impaired behavior on OR and social recognition |
Nelong et al. (27) | – | Sprague Dawley rats | THC, 10 mg/kg | Vapor | Measure the acute effects of THC vapor exposure on LFPs in the dStr, OFC and PFC of rats using a within subject design | THC vapor exposure suppressed oscillatory power and coherence, most notably in the gamma band; this effect was detected after the 7 day washout period |
Nguyen et al. (28) | – | Sprague Dawley rats | THC; 25, 50, 100, 200 mg/mL | Vapor | Validate THC vapor administration protocol in rats using measures from the cannabis tetrad | THC vapor exposure predictably reduced body temperature, locomotor activity, and nociception in male and female rats |
Park et al. (29) | Major depressive disorder | Restraint plus tail shock (RTS) in Sprague Dawley rats | WIN55,212-2, 1 mM; AM251, 5 μM | Bath | Detect and measure stress-induced changes of LTD in the LHb | Low- and moderate-frequency stimulation induced LTD in the LHb; acute stress exposure prevented only Low-frequency-induced LTD in the LHb |
Raver and Keller (30) | - | CD-1 mice | THC, 5 mg/kg; WIN55,212-2, 1 or 2 mg/kg; AM251, 0.3, 0.5, 1, or 2 mg/kg | i.p. | Assess the impact of adolescent WIN55-212,2 and THC exposure on cortical oscillations and memory in adult rats | Chronic adolescent (but not adult) WIN55-212,2 exposure attenuates adult cortical oscillations |
Renard et al. (31) | – | Sprague Dawley rats | CBD, 100 ng | Infusion | Assess antipsychotic-like actions of CBD on amphetamine-induced VTA DA dysfunction | CBD attenuated the amphetamine-induced increase in VTA DA firing rates |
Renard et al. (32) | – | Sprague Dawley rats (adolescent) | THC, 2.5 mg/kg; Days 1–3; 5 mg/kg; Days 4–7; 10 mg/kg, Days 8–11 | i.p. (twice daily) | Examine the impact of adolescent THC on PFC GABA and VTA DA activity in adult rats | Adolescent THC attenuated PFC GABA activity, increased neuronal firing, disrupted gamma oscillations, and increased VTA DA activity |
Sauer et al. (33) | Major depressive disorder | DISC1 mice | – | – | Characterize PrlC network dysfunction in DISC1 mice | DISC1 mice exhibit reduced PrlC theta and low gamma power |
Seewoo et al. (34) | Major depressive disorder | Chronic restraint stress in Sprague Dawley rats | – | – | Assess functional connectivity changes related to depressive-like behaviors using MRI | MRI showed hypoconnectivity in salience and interoceptive networks, and hyperconnectivity between the cingulate cortex and multiple corticolimbic regions |
Segev et al. (35) | Major depressive disorder | Chronic mild variable stress in Sprague Dawley rats | WIN55,212-2, 0.5 mg/kg (i.p.); 5 mg/side (infusion); AM-251, 0.3 mg/kg | i.p., infusion | Assess whether WIN55-212,2 ameliorates CMS-induced changes in HIP-NAc LTP, and whether this is CB1R-dependent | WIN55-212,2 treatment prevented CMS-induced deficits in HIP-NAc LTP, an effect lost with AM251 administration |
Seillier et al. (36) | Schizophrenia | Subchronic PCP-treated Sprague Dawley rats | THC, 0.1, 0.3 or 1 mg/kg; AM251, 1 mg/kg | i.p. | Determine the effects of THC on social withdrawal in PCP-treated rats and neurophysiological correlates | In controls, THC dose-dependently produced social interaction deficits and aberrant VTA DA neuronal activity; in PCP-treated rats, only the lowest dose of THC reversed PCP-induced deficits |
Sigurdsson et al. (37) | Schizophrenia | Df(16) A+/– mice | – | – | Examine functional connectivity between the HIP and the PFC in Df(16) A+/– mice during a memory task | WT mice exhibit increased HIP-PFC coherence during working memory; Df(16) A+/– mice exhibit reduced coherence |
Taffe et al. (38) | - | Sprague Dawley rats; Wistar rats | THC, 5, 10, 20 or 30 mg/kg | i.p. | Compare the effects of THC vapor exposure between Wistar and Sprague Dawley rats using measures from the cannabis tetrad | Hypothermia was more pronounced in Sprague Dawley rats compared to Wistar rats, while antinociception did not differ between strains |
Tchenio et al. (39) | Major depressive disorder | Maternal separation in c57BL/6 mice | – | – | Determine whether restoring LHb function ameliorates a depressive-like phenotype | LHb neuronal hyperexcitability is ameliorated by chemogenetic modulation and DBS |
Valvassori et al. (40) | Bipolar disorder | Wistar rats | CBD, 15, 30 or 60 mg/kg | i.p. | investigate the effects of CBD on an amphetamine-induced, manic-like phenotype | CBD reversed amphetamine-induced damage in the HIP and enhanced BDNF expression. CBD administered before amphetamine prevented damage |
Voget et al. (41) | Major depressive disorder | Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rats | – | – | Characterize neural circuit activity changes in the PFC, NAc, Cg, and STN in FSL rats | Compared to controls, FSL rats exhibit reduced mPFC and NAc alpha, beta, and gamma power, reduced STN alpha and beta power, and enhanced STN gamma power |
Young et al. (42) | Schizophrenia | Subchronic PCP-treated Wistar rats | – | – | Assess changes in mPFC neural circuit oscillations in PCP-treated rats | PCP-treated rats exhibit reduced PFC theta power and enhanced PFC coherence |