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. 2021 Feb 5;12:597725. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.597725

Table 1.

Summary of cited studies including the rodent model used, cannabinoid and route administered, as well as the aims and outcomes of each study.

Study Modeled illness Animal model and strain Cannabinoids and dose Administration route Aims Outcomes
Abush and Akirav (10) Major depressive disorder Chronic restraint stress in Sprague Dawley rats WIN55-212,2, 1.2 mg/kg; AM-251, 0.3 mg/kg i.p. Examine limbic glucocorticoid receptor and synaptic plasticity changes after chronic stress and/or cannabinoid exposure Chronic cannabinoid exposure prevented stress-induced impairments in plasticity, and was CB1R-dependent
Aguilar et al. (11) Schizophrenia Subchronic PCP-treated Sprague Dawley rats URB597 (FAAH inhibitor), 0.3 mg/kg i.p. Examine whether increasing anandamide (via URB597) will reverse aberrant VTA DA neuronal activity PCP-treated rats exhibit enhanced baseline VTA DA neuronal population activity compared to controls; URB597 administration reversed this effect
Aguilar et al. (12) Schizophrenia Subchronic PCP-treated Sprague Dawley rats THC, 1 mg/kg; URB597, 0.3 mg/kg i.p. Compare impact of THC and URB597 on mPFC and vHIP neuronal activity in PCP-treated rats and saline-treated controls Reduced baseline firing rates in PCP-treated rats compared to controls; THC reduced mPFC alpha power in only controls, enhanced mPFC and HIP delta power in all rats, and enhanced mPFC firing rates in PCP-treated rats; For all rats, URB597 enhanced mPFC gamma power and reduced HIP delta power and mPFC-HIP delta coherence
Atallah and Scanziani (13) Wistar rats Determine cellular mechanisms involved in phase-shifts of HIP oscillations HIP (CA3) gamma amplitudes predict the interval to next cycle; synaptic inhibition is proportional to synaptic excitation during each cycle
Barz et al. (14) Schizophrenia NRG1 +/– KO mice Examine sensory-related spiking and gamma oscillations in somatosensory cortex of NRG1 mutant mice and WT controls using whisker stimulation Elevated baseline firing and reduced gamma power in NRG1 mouse barrel cortex, compared to controls
Dzirasa et al. (15) Bipolar disorder Clock-Δ19 mice Record from NAc, PrlC, and VTA in ClockΔ19 mice and littermate controls while they explore a novel environment ClockΔ19 mice exhibit baseline NAc low-gamma phase coupling and neuronal entrainment deficits; lithium partially ameliorated deficits
Gazit et al. (16) Major depressive disorder Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) Sprague Dawley rats Examine impact of DBS on VTA coherence and depressive-like behaviors FSL rats exhibit reduced baseline gamma coherence; DBS restored coherence and rescued behavioral deficits
Goodwill et al. (17) Major depressive disorder Early-life stress via limited bedding stress in Long Evans rats Assess sex differences in depressive-like behaviors Females exhibited depressive-like behaviors in adulthood after early-life stress, while males did not
Hajos et al. (18) Sprague Dawley rats CP-55940, 0.1 mg/kg; AM-251, 3 mg/kg i.v. Measure cannabinoid-induced disruptions in auditory sensory gating and neurophysiological correlates in the EC and HIP; determine whether they are CB1R-mediated CP-55940 reduced EC theta power, EC and HIP gamma power, and EC and HIP theta coherence; AM251 reversed EC gamma power and EC, HIP theta coherence deficits
Hudson et al. (19) Sprague Dawley rats THC, 10 and 100 ng; CBD, 10 and 100 ng infusion Investigate impact of THC and CBD in vHIP on VTA neural circuit activity and emotional memory THC enhanced VTA delta, beta, and gamma power, and reduced VTA firing rates; CBD ameliorated effects on VTA firing rates and delta power
Iniguez et al. (20) Major depressive disorder Chronic social defeat stress in c57BL/6 mice Determine whether adolescent CSDS produces a depressive-like phenotype Adolescent CSDS produces depressive-like behaviors in c57BL/6 mice
Iturra-Mena et al. (21) Major depressive disorder Chronic social defeat stress in Sprague Dawley rats Determine the impact of CSDS on NAc oscillations during social interactions NAc gamma power was enhanced in control rats, but not CSDS rats, during social interaction
Khalid et al. (22) Major depressive disorder Chronic restraint stress in c57BL/6 mice Investigate functional connectivity in cortical regions Increased cortical gamma coherence after chronic stress exposure, dissipated with remission of depressive-like behavior
Lecca et al. (23) Schizophrenia Maternal immune activation in Sprague Dawley rats THC, 2.5 mg/kg (PND 45–47); 5 mg/kg (PND 48–51); 10 mg/kg (PND 52–55) i.p. Examine the impact of adolescent cannabinoid exposure on neurophysiological deficits in adult rats Reduced number of active VTA DA neurons in poly I:C rats compared to controls and reduced mPFC serotonergic burst activity in controls after WIN-55,212-2
Lee et al. (24) Schizophrenia Neonatal ventral hippocampal lesion in Long Evans rats Measure dysfunctional neural synchrony in NVHL rats and restore deficits by normalizing synchrony with ethosuximide NVHL rats exhibit increased amplitudes and spiking activity, reduced theta and beta coherence during place avoidance behavior; ethosuximide reduced spiking activity and attenuated coherence deficits
Linge et al. (25) Olfactory bulbectomy in c57BL/6 mice CBD, 50 mg/kg; AM251, 03 mg/kg i.p. Examine acute and chronic effects of CBD on depressive-like behavior and PFC serotonin/glutamate activity Acute and chronic CBD reversed behavioral hyperactivity and increased PFC serotonin and glutamate levels in model mice
Moussa-Tooks et al. (26) Major depressive disorder Early-life stress via limited bedding stress in Long Evans rats Demonstrate early-life stress sex-dependently down-regulates cerebellar endocannabinoids in adulthood and impacts behavior Early-life stress produced sex-specific changes in endocannabinoid expression and impaired behavior on OR and social recognition
Nelong et al. (27) Sprague Dawley rats THC, 10 mg/kg Vapor Measure the acute effects of THC vapor exposure on LFPs in the dStr, OFC and PFC of rats using a within subject design THC vapor exposure suppressed oscillatory power and coherence, most notably in the gamma band; this effect was detected after the 7 day washout period
Nguyen et al. (28) Sprague Dawley rats THC; 25, 50, 100, 200 mg/mL Vapor Validate THC vapor administration protocol in rats using measures from the cannabis tetrad THC vapor exposure predictably reduced body temperature, locomotor activity, and nociception in male and female rats
Park et al. (29) Major depressive disorder Restraint plus tail shock (RTS) in Sprague Dawley rats WIN55,212-2, 1 mM; AM251, 5 μM Bath Detect and measure stress-induced changes of LTD in the LHb Low- and moderate-frequency stimulation induced LTD in the LHb; acute stress exposure prevented only Low-frequency-induced LTD in the LHb
Raver and Keller (30) - CD-1 mice THC, 5 mg/kg; WIN55,212-2, 1 or 2 mg/kg; AM251, 0.3, 0.5, 1, or 2 mg/kg i.p. Assess the impact of adolescent WIN55-212,2 and THC exposure on cortical oscillations and memory in adult rats Chronic adolescent (but not adult) WIN55-212,2 exposure attenuates adult cortical oscillations
Renard et al. (31) Sprague Dawley rats CBD, 100 ng Infusion Assess antipsychotic-like actions of CBD on amphetamine-induced VTA DA dysfunction CBD attenuated the amphetamine-induced increase in VTA DA firing rates
Renard et al. (32) Sprague Dawley rats (adolescent) THC, 2.5 mg/kg; Days 1–3; 5 mg/kg; Days 4–7; 10 mg/kg, Days 8–11 i.p. (twice daily) Examine the impact of adolescent THC on PFC GABA and VTA DA activity in adult rats Adolescent THC attenuated PFC GABA activity, increased neuronal firing, disrupted gamma oscillations, and increased VTA DA activity
Sauer et al. (33) Major depressive disorder DISC1 mice Characterize PrlC network dysfunction in DISC1 mice DISC1 mice exhibit reduced PrlC theta and low gamma power
Seewoo et al. (34) Major depressive disorder Chronic restraint stress in Sprague Dawley rats Assess functional connectivity changes related to depressive-like behaviors using MRI MRI showed hypoconnectivity in salience and interoceptive networks, and hyperconnectivity between the cingulate cortex and multiple corticolimbic regions
Segev et al. (35) Major depressive disorder Chronic mild variable stress in Sprague Dawley rats WIN55,212-2, 0.5 mg/kg (i.p.); 5 mg/side (infusion); AM-251, 0.3 mg/kg i.p., infusion Assess whether WIN55-212,2 ameliorates CMS-induced changes in HIP-NAc LTP, and whether this is CB1R-dependent WIN55-212,2 treatment prevented CMS-induced deficits in HIP-NAc LTP, an effect lost with AM251 administration
Seillier et al. (36) Schizophrenia Subchronic PCP-treated Sprague Dawley rats THC, 0.1, 0.3 or 1 mg/kg; AM251, 1 mg/kg i.p. Determine the effects of THC on social withdrawal in PCP-treated rats and neurophysiological correlates In controls, THC dose-dependently produced social interaction deficits and aberrant VTA DA neuronal activity; in PCP-treated rats, only the lowest dose of THC reversed PCP-induced deficits
Sigurdsson et al. (37) Schizophrenia Df(16) A+/– mice Examine functional connectivity between the HIP and the PFC in Df(16) A+/– mice during a memory task WT mice exhibit increased HIP-PFC coherence during working memory; Df(16) A+/– mice exhibit reduced coherence
Taffe et al. (38) - Sprague Dawley rats; Wistar rats THC, 5, 10, 20 or 30 mg/kg i.p. Compare the effects of THC vapor exposure between Wistar and Sprague Dawley rats using measures from the cannabis tetrad Hypothermia was more pronounced in Sprague Dawley rats compared to Wistar rats, while antinociception did not differ between strains
Tchenio et al. (39) Major depressive disorder Maternal separation in c57BL/6 mice Determine whether restoring LHb function ameliorates a depressive-like phenotype LHb neuronal hyperexcitability is ameliorated by chemogenetic modulation and DBS
Valvassori et al. (40) Bipolar disorder Wistar rats CBD, 15, 30 or 60 mg/kg i.p. investigate the effects of CBD on an amphetamine-induced, manic-like phenotype CBD reversed amphetamine-induced damage in the HIP and enhanced BDNF expression. CBD administered before amphetamine prevented damage
Voget et al. (41) Major depressive disorder Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rats Characterize neural circuit activity changes in the PFC, NAc, Cg, and STN in FSL rats Compared to controls, FSL rats exhibit reduced mPFC and NAc alpha, beta, and gamma power, reduced STN alpha and beta power, and enhanced STN gamma power
Young et al. (42) Schizophrenia Subchronic PCP-treated Wistar rats Assess changes in mPFC neural circuit oscillations in PCP-treated rats PCP-treated rats exhibit reduced PFC theta power and enhanced PFC coherence