Figure 4.
Electroretinogram recordings of P2X7-KO mice show a predominant reduction in the pSTR amplitude, without sign of rescue following acute IOP elevation. Representative waveforms of retinal responses measured at bright ((A), 2.07 log cd·s/m2) and dim ((B), − 5.31 to − 4.31 log cd·s/m2) luminous energies. Average amplitude of the pSTR (C) and nSTR (D) following sham (white bars) or elevated IOP (red bars) treatment. Average implicit time to the peak amplitude of the pSTR (E) or nSTR (F) following sham or elevated IOP treatment. The amplitude and implicit time of the pSTR was significantly reduced in eyes subject to elevated IOP. (G) The effect of IOP on pSTR and nSTR responses expressed as a percentage loss of the sham eye show no differences between P2X7-KO and WT. Numbers indicate the number of mice. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; paired t-test (sham vs IOP).