Figure 5.
Polyfunctional responses of NK cells induced by DBL3-specific Abs from pregnant women with malaria. NK cells from three separate donors were stimulated with IgG from pregnant women mid pregnancy with non-placental malaria (N = 27), women with placental malaria (N = 50) at delivery in presence of DBL2 and assessed for expression of CD107a, IFNγ and TNFα. NK cells were selected based on their CD56 expression (CD56dim and CD56bright). Pie and Bar charts show the proportion (a) and relative frequency (b) of each activation marker combination of only activated NK cells. (a) The pie segments correspond to NK cells expressing different combinations of activation markers and are color coded (pie segment legend: pink-red) to indicate increasing polyfunctional NK cell activation. (b) The bar graph shows relative frequencies of combinations of activation markers by NK cells stimulated with IgG from non-placental malaria-infected women (blue) or women with placental malaria (red) in presence of DBL3 (bottom bar graph). Mean of three NK cell donors with standard deviation is shown. Statistical analysis between groups was performed using multiple t tests corrected for multiple comparisons using the Holm-Šídák method.