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. 2021 Feb 8;35:106848. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.106848
Source type Description
Official CITES’ publications: trade database, commissioned studies, meeting documents; court records; communications with government entities.
Databases International Cheetah Studbook (ICSB), TRAFFIC International Wildlife Trade Portal.
Primary sources First-hand observations; wildlife rescue facilities; cheetah owners and veterinarians; field researchers/surveys; and witnesses.
Secondary sources Open or second-hand sources, e.g., media articles, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or NGO/government partnerships’ reports, blogs; field informants.
Sellers Trade advertisements found on eCommerce web sites, social media platforms and mobile phone apps. Sellers were included as a separate category as they can be primary or secondary sources (direct vs partners or advertisers).