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. 2020 May 28;29(3):1335–1360. doi: 10.1044/2020_AJSLP-19-00043
Person How do they help with communication? What is NOT helpful for communication? How much of a problem is this per client report?
(0 = none; 5 = extreme)
Hector's teacher She is aware that it is difficult for him to understand and reads at a good pace. She often tries to finish Hector's message for him because it takes so long for him to formulate an answer. graphic file with name AJSLP-29-1335-i022.jpg
Alysia (student in class) Is very patient with Hector and always allows him to finish his thoughts. She never seems to have trouble understanding him. graphic file with name AJSLP-29-1335-i023.jpg
Everyone Students often talk over one another in an attempt to answer the teacher's questions about the story first. Hector does not have time to formulate an answer before everyone else jumps in. graphic file with name AJSLP-29-1335-i024.jpg