A, The bars show the proportion of each group (bilateral and unilateral cochlear implant users) by age. The wide range of ages of participants from infancy to late adolescence is evident in both groups. There was no significant difference in age between these groups (t[61.6] = 0.4, P = .69; Cohen d = 0.09). B, The ranges of in-person bubbles are plotted against age by the types of schools attended. The types of schools children attended were consistent with their age; the youngest children were not in school, young children attended day care or preschool, and children aged 4 to 5 years attended kindergarten. Importantly, the range of in-person bubble size could not be significantly predicted by age (F1,37 = 0.03, P = .87; Cohen f = 0.03) or type of school attended (F6,37 = 1.02, P = .42; Cohen f = 0.41).