Mechanisms linking hemostatic factors to liver regeneration: Platelets rapidly accumulate in the liver remnant after partial hepatectomy. Accumulation of platelets in the liver appears to depend on multiple factors including von Willebrand factor (VWF), and on fibrin deposits formed as a result of intrahepatic coagulation. Experimental evidence suggests that platelets contribute to liver regeneration through multiple mechanisms including 1) degranulation and release of serotonin and other growth factors, 2) transfer of RNA by direct interactions with hepatocytes and 3) potentially through cell-cell interactions with leukocytes or other non-parenchymal cells. Among the gaps in knowledge include the source of VWF responsible for driving platelet accumulation (plasma, endothelial cells or platelets themselves), and whether fibrin drives regeneration through mechanisms independent of its role in platelet accumulation.
TF = Tissue factor
VWF = von Willebrand factor
EC = Endothelial Cell
HPC = Hepatocyte