Fig. 3:
Vaccination cost estimates (US$2019) for the different scenarios in the model by World Bank Income Levels and globally by year for (a) low, (b) lower middle, (c) upper middle, and (d) all countries
Note: The scales on the y-axes differ across panels
Abbreviations RC2, control reference case; RC2noRestarts, RC2 without restart option; RC2*, WPV1 eradication reference case; tOPVRISIA, 1 dose of IPV in 2019–2023 followed by tOPV use only from January 1, 2024 with pSIAs; tOPVRI, 1 dose of IPV in 2019–2023 followed by tOPV use only from January 1, 2024 without pSIAs; US$2019, 2019 US dollars; 1IPV2025, 1 dose of IPV in 2019–2029; 2IPV2025, 1 dose of IPV in 2019–2024 followed by 2 doses of IPV from January 1, 2022.