Homology-based |
Search target sequences against PDB, Pfam-A, and SWISS-PROT to find templates. |
2004 |
http://www.rostlab.org/services/CHOP/ |
[6] |
DomPred |
Combine homology and secondary structure element alignment to find templates. |
2005 |
http://bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/software.html |
[15] |
SSEP-Domain |
Based on the secondary structure elements alignment and profile-profile alignment. |
2006 |
http://www.bio.ifi.lmu.de/SSEP/ |
[16] |
ThreaDom |
Deduce domain boundary locations based on multiple threading alignments. |
2013 |
http://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/ThreaDom/ |
[18] |
Identifie domains by a multi-source strategy which combining multiple HMMs profile. |
2016 |
http://www.lcqb.upmc.fr/CLADE |
[13] |
A multi-source domain annotation tool for metagenomic dataset. |
2018 |
http://www.lcqb.upmc.fr/metaclade |
[14] |
Ab initio methods |
Domain Guess by Size |
Detect domain boundaries based on the distributions of chain and domain lengths. |
2000 |
[26] |
CHOPnet |
Feed-forward neural network that uses amino acid composition and secondary structure and solvent accessibility as features. |
2004 |
[27] |
Feed-forward neural network that uses position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) generated by PSI-BLAST as features. |
2005 |
http://gene.kias.re.kr/~jlee/pprodo/ |
[28] |
DOMpro |
RNN uses secondary structure and solvent accessibility as features. |
2005 |
http://www.igb.uci.edu/servers/psss.html |
[31] |
KemaDom |
Combine three SVM classifiers that use different features as inputs to predict domain boundaries. |
2006 |
http://www.iipl.fudan.edu.cn/lschen/kemadom.htm |
[30] |
DomainDiscovery |
SVM uses inter-domain linker index, PSSM, secondary structural, and solvent accessibility as features. |
2006 |
[33] |
An improved general regression network model that is trained by the information of PSSM, interdomain linker index, secondary structure, and solvent accessibility. |
2008 |
[32] |
DomSVR |
Sequence is encoded by physicochemical and biological properties. SVR uses encoded sequence to predict domain boundary. |
2010 |
[35] |
DoBo |
SVM uses evolutionary domain boundary signals embedded in homologous proteins as input features. |
2011 |
http://sysbio.rnet.missouri.edu/dobo/ |
[34] |
An SVM to predict domain linkers using 25 optimal features selected from a set of 3000 features. |
2011 |
http://tuat.ac.jp/~domserv/DROP.html |
[37] |
DomHR |
Identify domain boundaries in proteins by defining the edge of domain and boundary regions as a hinge region. |
2013 |
http://cal.tongji.edu.cn/domain/ |
[39] |
Combine predicted results from six single domain boundary prediction methods. |
2016 |
https://cmaterju.org/cmaterbioinfo/ |
[38] |
ConDo |
Use long-range, coevolutionary features to train neural networks. |
2018 |
https://github.com/gicsaw/ConDo.git |
[40] |
DNN-Dom |
Combine CNN and BGRU to predict domain boundary by combining amino acid composition information, PSSM, solvent accessibility, and secondary structure. A balanced Random Forest is used to solve the imbalance samples problem. |
2019 |
http://isyslab.info/DNN-Dom/ |
[42] |
DeepDom |
Use sequences information encoded by physical–chemical properties to train a bidirectional LSTM model to predict domain boundaries. |
2019 |
https://github.com/yuexujiang/DeepDom |
[41] |
FuPred |
Predict protein domain boundaries using predicted contact maps generated by ANN. |
2020 |
https://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/FUpred |
[44] |