Functional connectivity within large-scale resting state networks. Aspects of the differential within-network connectivity of large-scale resting state brain networks in healthy volunteers exposed to different glucocorticoid ultradian rhythms, as highlighted by independent component analysis and dual regression in FSL (corrected for multiple comparisons at voxel level, threshold p < 0.05). The blue/light blue colormaps indicate the resting state networks, while the yellow-red colormaps those parts of the network with the altered, treatment-related functional activity. (A) Resting state network involving bilateral medial occipital cortices, previously described as a consistent resting state network in man, [see Chen et al. (2008)]. The right-sided lingual gyrus and occipital fusiform gyrus are differentially functionally connected with the rest of the network depending on whether subjects are exposed to subcutaneous pulsatile versus non-pulsatile glucocorticoid replacement therapy. The coordinate in the z-axis (axial view) refer to MNI152 standard space. (B) Resting state network involving bilateral medial occipital cortices, also described as a consistent resting state network in man [see Chen et al. (2008)]. The right-sided lingual gyrus is differentially functionally connected with the rest of the network depending on whether subjects are exposed to subcutaneous continuous versus oral glucocorticoid replacement therapy. The coordinate in the x-axis (sagittal view) refer to MNI152 standard space. (C) Resting state network involving the right-sided dorsolateral prefrontal and parietal cortices, also described as a consistent resting state network in man [see Chen et al. (2008)]. The angular gyrus, lateral occipital cortex and frontal pole are differentially functionally connected with the rest of the network depending on whether subjects are exposed to subcutaneous pulsatile versus oral glucocorticoid replacement therapy. The coordinate in the x-axis (sagittal view) refer to MNI152 standard space. FSL: FMRIB software library (Oxford University), PO: oral treatment group, SCC: subcutaneous-continuous treatment group, SCP: subcutaneous-pulsatile treatment group. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)