Electron tomography of NPC associated HIV-1 complexes upon CPSF6 knockdown
(A–D) CLEM overlays with enlarged regions indicate the positions of IN.mScarlet signal (red; white arrows) at the nuclear envelope in resin sections of cells stained with mCLING.Atto647N (magenta), post-stained with Hoechst (blue) and decorated with multi-fluorescent fiducials (Fd) for correlation.
(A′) Slices through tomographic reconstructions of three different HIV-1 capsids proximate to the same NPC (green arrowhead). Different orientations of the capsid structures are shown in the insets. Capsids at the cytoplasmic face of the NPC display a conical shape and a dense interior (black arrowheads).
(B′) Same as (A′) but showing an NNHIV capsid docking to the NPC.
(C′ and D′) Same as (A′) but showing examples of empty capsid-related structures (empty black arrowheads) at the nucleoplasmic side of the NPC (C′) or in nucleoplasm beneath the nuclear envelope (D′). Cy, cytosol; Nu, nucleus; NE, nuclear envelope.
See also Figures S2, S3D, S4, and S6 and Video S7.