The NPC scaffold is dilated in HIV-1 infected and non-infected SupT1-R5 cells
(A) Slice through a representative cryoelectron tomogram as used for structural analysis. NPCs indicated by green arrowheads; Cy, cytosol; Nu, nucleus; NE, nuclear envelope.
(B and C) Overall in cellulo architecture of the NPC in infected SupT1-R5 cells. (B) Isosurface rendering of the cryo-EM map of the NPC (cyan). The cytoplasmic ring (CR, left) and nuclear ring (NR, right) are visible; nuclear membranes in yellow. (C) Same as (B) but shown as cut-open view. CR, NR, inner ring (IR), outer nuclear membrane (ONM), and inner nuclear membrane (INM) are labeled.
(D) Boxplot showing the distribution of diameters of individual NPCs measured either at the relevant opening of central channel at the IR or at the ONM-INM fusion point in HIV-1 infected (n = 90) or non-infected (n = 39) cells. Values of NPCs with associated capsid (n = 4) in red; median values as orange dashed lines. The difference in NPC diameter at the IR in infected as compared to non-infected cells was significant but very small (∗∗p = 0.0055; by unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test). Most NPCs in both conditions (77/90; 85% in infected cells; 30/39; ~77% in non-infected cells) displayed a central channel diameter ≥60 nm. Measurements of diameters at the ONM-INM fusion point did not show any significant difference.
See also Figure S7.