Figure S7.
Cryo-EM structure of actively transporting NPC upon HIV-1 infection, related to Figure 6
(A) Resolution estimation by gold standard Fourier shell correlation (FSC) for the cryo-EM map of the NPC from NNHIV infected SupT1-R5 cells. After alignment of the whole pore, each NPC was splitted into the even and odd subunits. The cytoplasmic (CR), nuclear (NR) and inner ring (IR) from each subunit were independently subjected to subtomogram averaging. The gold standard FSC was calculated with FSC server – EMBL-EBI with half maps as input. The curves for CR, NR and IR intersect the 0.143 criterium respectively at the resolution of 36.3 Å, 35.8 Å, and 39.9 Å. (B) Slices through the maps at the level of the CR, IR and NR. Scale bar: 50 nm.