Fig. 4. SNP-based heritability and genetic correlation analyses for the five digestion phenotypes from LD score regression analyses.
a SNP-based heritability of the five digestion phenotypes both on the observed and liability scales. The transformation to the liability scale uses the UKB sample risk, i.e., the proportion cases in the UKB cohort, as the population lifetime risk; the sample risk percentage of whole UKB European ancestry is shown below the x-axis in parentheses. The error bars represent 95% confidence interval for the estimated SNP-based heritability. “*” represents that the SNP-based heritability P value remain significant after Bonferroni correction (P < 0.05/10). b, c Results for genetic correlation within-digestion phenotypes and between digestion phenotypes and the nine psychiatric and neurological disorder traits are in b, while genetic correlation results between digestion phenotypes and traits from LD Hub that had a significant correlation with at least one of the digestion phenotypes are provided in b, c. “*” represent that genetic correlation estimates are still significant after Bonferroni correction (P < 0.05/((5 + 9 + 258) * 5)).