AT1aR neurons within the MnPO and OVLT are predominantly glutamatergic. Images of the (A–D) MnPO and (E–H) OVLT collected from an Agtr1a-tdTomato (AT1aR-Tom) reporter mouse depicting (B,F) vGlut2 mRNA in cyan, (C,G) AT1aR-tdTom in magenta, and (A,D,E,H) the merged images. I–L, Images of the MnPO collected from an AT1aR-Tom reporter mouse depicting (J) Gad1 mRNA in green, (K) AT1aR-Tom in magenta, and (L) the merged image. n = 4 mice. Scale bars: A, E, I, 50 µm; B–D, F–H, J–L, 20 µm.