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. 2021 Feb 18;11(2):e044606. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044606

Table 1.

Data sources and definitions of indicators for the vulnerability of COVID-19 in Ethiopia

Indicators Data sources Spatial resolution Definitions
Demographic indicators
Male sex EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Total number of male populations divided by the total number of people participated in the survey
Older age EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Total number of people with age ≥65 years divided by the total number of people participated in the survey
Socioeconomic indicators
Population density WorldPop 1 km×1 km Number of people per square kilometre (grid)
Number of household members EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Average number of people living in a house
Low wealth index EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Number of people with low wealth index (poorer and poorest) divided by the total number of people participated in the survey
Connectivity indicators
Travel times to cities MAP 1 km×1 km Travel time in minutes to the nearest city with a population of more than 50 000
Proximity to national borders DHS Spatial Repository Latitude and longitude point The geodesic distance to the nearest international borders
Distance to major roads World Bank District Distance in km to cross-country round
Climatic indicators
Mean temperature WorldClime 1 km×1 km Annual mean environmental air temperature (°C)
Mean precipitation WorldClime 1 km×1 km Annual mean rainfall (mm)
Wind speed WorldClime 1 km×1 km Annual mean wind speed (m s-1)
Solar radiation WorldClime 1 km×1 km Annual mean solar radiation (kJ m-2 day-1)
Water vapour pressure WorldClime 1 km×1 km Annual mean water vapour pressure (kPa), equivalent to absolute humidity
Behavioural indicators
Khat chewing EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Total number of people chewing khat in the last 1 month prior to the survey divided by the total number of people participating in the survey
Alcohol drinking EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Total number of people drinking alcohol in the month prior to the survey divided by the total number of people participating in the survey
Cigarette smoking EPHI STEPS Latitude and longitude point Total number of people currently smoke cigarettes divided by the total number of people participating in the survey
Cooking inside the household EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Total number of households where cooking takes place inside the house without a separate building or outdoors (ie, exposure to smoke inside the home) divided by the total number of households in the survey
Use solid fuel for cooking EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Number of households used some type of solid fuel (wood, dung, grass, crop) for cooking food divided by all households in the survey
Disease prevention knowledge indicators
Adult illiteracy rate EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Total number of adults (aged 15 years and above) who had not attended school or who cannot read and write divided by the total number of adults participated in the survey
Access to listen to the radio EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Total number of people who had not access to listen to the radio divided by total survey participants
Access to watch TV EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Total number of people have no access to watch television divided by total survey participants
Mobile phone ownership EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Total number of people have no access to mobile phone divide by the total number of survey participants
Knowledge toward HIV EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Number of people with poor knowledge towards HIV divided by the total number of people participating in the survey
Hand hygiene indicators
Travel time to water sources EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Mean travel time in minutes to obtain water source (ie, access to a water source)
Place for handwashing EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Number of households have no fixed or mobile place for handwashing divided by total number of households in the survey
Soap or detergent availability for handwashing EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Number of households have no essential handwashing agents (ie, soap, and detergent) divided by total household in the survey
Comorbidities indicators
HTN EPHI STEPS Latitude and longitude point Total number of people with HTN divided by the total number of survey participants
DM EPHI STEPS Latitude and longitude point Total number of people with DM divided by the total number of survey participants
BMI EPHI STEPS Latitude and longitude point Mean body mass index
CVD EPHI STEPS Latitude and longitude point Total number of people with heart disease divided by total number of people in the survey
Cholesterol EPHI STEPS Latitude and longitude point Mean cholesterol level
HIV prevalence EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Total number of people with HIV divided by survey participants
TB SMR EMOH District Standardised morbidity ratio (SMR) as measured by observed number of TB cases divided by the expected number of TB cases
Service availability and readiness indicators
Healthcare access problem EDHS 2016 Latitude and longitude point Difficulty of getting advice or treatment due to lack of money, or distance to a health facility
General service readiness and availability EPHI SARA Latitude and longitude point Availability of equipment and supplies (ie, basic amenities, equipment, standard precautions, diagnostic capacity, essential medicines) necessary to provide general health services
ICU availability EPHI SARA Latitude and longitude point Availability of Critical Care Services (ICU) in hospitals
CRD readiness index EPHI SARA Latitude and longitude point Availability of specific services for chronic respiratory disease (CRD) diagnosis, management and follow-up
TB readiness index EPHI SARA Latitude and longitude point Availability of specific services for tuberculosis diagnosis, management and follow-up
Diabetes readiness index EPHI SARA Latitude and longitude point Availability of specific service for diabetes diagnosis and management and follow-up

EDHS, Ethiopia ddemographic and Health Survey; EMOH, Ethiopia Ministry of Health; EPHI, Ethiopia Public Health Institute; G-Econ, Geographically based Economic data; ICU, intensive care unit; MAP: SRTM, Malaria Atlas Project; Shuttle Radar Topography Mission; UN OCHA, United Nation Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; SARA, Service Availability and Readiness Assessment.