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. 2021 Feb 18;11(2):e044606. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044606

Table 2.

Evidence for risk of COVID-19 infection, severity and death

Indicators Risk factors Evidence References
Demographic indicators
Male sex Severity Death from and severity of COVID-19 was strongly associated with being male (HR 1.99, 95% CI 1.88 to 2.10) Williamson et al40
Older age Severity Older than 65 years were risk factors for disease progression in patients with COVID-19 (OR=6.06, 95% CI 3.98 to 9.22) Zheng et al22
Socioeconomic indicators
Population density Infection High population density is a risk factor for COVID-19 infection Ahmadi et al41
Number of household members Infection Areas with a higher percentage of households with more than one person per room had a higher incidence of COVID-19 Ahmad et al42
Low wealth index Infection Socioeconomic deprivation (RR 1.26 per SD increase in Townsend Index) associated with COVID-19 infection Ho et al43
Connectivity indicators
Travel times to cities Infection The distance between Wuhan and other cities was inversely associated with the numbers of COVID-19 cases in that city Zheng et al44
Proximity to national borders Infection Cross-country moment is a risk factor for COVID-19 transmission and importation Chinazzi et al45
Distance to major roads Infection Spread of COVID-19 was correlated positively with public transportation per capita Ayenew et al16.
Climatic indicators
Mean temperature Infection Low ambient temperatures are associated with more rapid spread of COVID-19 Holtmann et al46
Mean precipitation Infection Countries with higher rainfall measurements showed an increase in COVID-19 transmission Sobral et al47
Wind speed Infection Areas with low values of wind speed associated with a high rate of COVID-19 infection Ahmadi et al41
Solar radiation Infection Areas with low values of solar radiation exposure associated with a high rate of COVID-19 infection Ahmadi et al41
Water vapour pressure Infection High humidity reduces the transmission of COVID-19. Water vapour pressure negatively correctly with COVID-19 infection. Wang et al48 49
Behavioural indicators
Khat chewing Severity There is an association between khat chewing and chronic illness such as HIV infection, elevated diastolic blood pressure Basker50
Alcohol drinking Severity Patients with alcohol use disorders at increased risk for COVID-19 Testino21
Cigarette smoking Severity Current smoking was a risk factor for disease progression in patients with COVID-19 (OR=2.51, 95% CI 1.39 to 3.32) Zheng et al22
Cooking inside the household Severity Areas with a higher percentage of incomplete kitchen facilities had a higher incidence of, and mortality associated with, COVID-19 Ahmad et al42
Use solid fuel for cooking Severity Areas with a higher percentage of incomplete kitchen facilities had a higher incidence of, and mortality associated with, COVID-19 Ahmad et al42
Disease prevention knowledge indicators
Adult illiteracy rate Infection Adult learning education is a tool to contain the COVID-19 pandemics Lopes et al51
Access to listen to radio Infection Access to media is a crucial factor in public health responses to an outbreak Ayedee and Manocha52
Access to watch TV Infection Media (Television) has a significant role in creating a positive atmosphere in COVID-19 Ayedee and Manocha52
Mobile phone ownership Infection Mobile phone calls and text messages help for the diagnosis, management and control of infectious diseases Wood et al53
Knowledge towards HIV Infection Knowledge towards an infectious disease such as HIV can help to control the transmission of the diseases Bertozzi et al54
Hand hygiene indicators
Travel time to water sources Infection Adequate water supply is essential for the control of COVID-19 infection WHO55
Place for handwashing Infection Hand washing is recommended by WHO for the control of COVID-19 infection WHO56
Soap or detergent availability for handwashing Infection Availability of soap or detergent is essential to keep hand hygiene for the prevention of COVID-19 infection WHO56
Comorbidity indicators
HTN Severity Hypertension was statistically significant with a higher rate of servery and death (OR=2.72, 95% CI 1.60 to 4.64) Zheng et al22
DM Severity Death from COVID-19 was associated with DM (HR 1.50, 95% CI 1.40 to 1.60) 1.50 Williamson et al40
BMI Severity Death from COVID-19 was associated with higher BMI (HR 1.27, 95% CI 1.18 to 1.36) Williamson et al40
CVD Severity Cardiovascular disease was significantly associated with higher COVID-19 servility and death (OR=5.19, 95% CI 3.25 to 8.29) Zheng et al22
HIV prevalence Severity Mortality from COVID-19 was associated with immunosuppression (HR 1.69, 95% CI 1.21 to 1.34) Williamson et al40
TB SMR Severity Respiratory diseases were significantly associated with COVID-19 death and severity (OR=5.15, 95% CI 2.51 to 10.57) Zheng et al22
Service availability and readiness indicators
Healthcare access problem Death Healthcare resource availability is associated with COVID-19 mortality Ji et al6
General service readiness Death General health service preparedness is essential for combating the COVID-19 pandemic WHO57
ICU availability Death Lack of critical care unite increase the risk of death from COVID-19 Murthy et al58
CRD readiness Death Cardiorespiratory disease (CRD) is a risk factor for COVID-19-related death Zheng et al22
TB readiness Death TB determinants outcomes of patients with COVID-19 Tadolini et al59
Diabetes readiness Death Diabetes affects the prognosis of patients with COVID-19 Zheng et al22

EDHS, Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey; EMOH, Ethiopia Ministry of Health; EPHI, Ethiopia Public Health Institute; G-Econ, Geographically based Economic data; ICU, intensive care unit; MAP: SRTM, Malaria Atlas Project; Shuttle Radar Topography Mission; UN OCHA, United Nation Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; SARA, Service Availability and Readiness Assessment.