(A) Raw capillary electrophoresis data outputs generated by the PerkinElmer EZ Reader II software. S indicates sulfated substrate peak and P desulfated product peak, a snapshot of an identical time point is shown in the presence and absence of the sulfatase; (B) kcat/KM determinations calculated using capillary electrophoresis coupled to fluorescence detection, using 100 nM BT4656S1_11; (C) linear rates produced at a range of pH values to determine the pH optimum for BT4656 using 1 μM substrate and 350 nM BT4656S1_11; (D) kcat/KM determination produced from C plotted against pH; (E) Raw data from HPAEC chromatograms, IP = injection peak, GlcNAc = N-acetylglucosamine product produced by BT4656S1_11, Frc = Fructose used as an internal standard to enable accurate quantification between runs and HEPES indicates dialysis buffer ‘contamination’; (F) kcat/KM determinations produced using HPAEC coupled to PAD using 800 nM BT4656S1_11; (G) Raw integrals from NMR experiment using 500 μM substrate and 10 nM nM BT4656S1_11; (H) Specific activity produced from raw NMR data presented in G, the black box indicates the appearance of an unsulfated O6 substrate, which increases with time.