Fig. 4.
Learning, attention and reversal learning in a touchscreen five-choice serial reaction time task (5CSRT) and paired discrimination and reversal (PD and PD-Rev) task in wild-type (LPAR2 wt) and LPAR2−/− mice. Groups comprised of 8 male mice per group at an age of 65–80 weeks (a) or of 12 female mice per group at an age of 20–40 weeks (b–d) at the onset of touchscreen experiments. For touchscreen experiments, mice were subjected to a 10% reduction diet to increase the learning motivation. The sequential trainings consisted in habituation, 'must touch', 'must initiate' and 'punish incorrect' before entering the 5CSRT basic trial or the PD trial. a Touch and reward collection latencies and percentage of correct responses during the 'Punish Incorrect' training period of the 5CSRT. Data were compared with two-tailed, unpaired t tests, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001. The body weights show the efficacy of the 10% reduction diet. b Time courses of the correct touch latency, percentage of correct responses and number of inter-trial touches, the latter reflecting the impulsivity. The data show the responses during the Punish Incorrect training trials and the subsequent 5CSRT trials with decreasing stimulus duration (3 × 32 s, 3 × 16 s, 3 × 8 s, 1 × 4 s) Time course data were compared with two-way ANOVA for "time" X "genotype" and genotypes were subsequently compared using two-tailed unpaired t tests using an adjustment of P according to Šidák. Asterisks indicate significant differences, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001