Table 5.
Effect of Crude Extract and Solvent Fractions of Urtica simensis on Cardiac Biomarkers
Experimental Groups | Troponin I | ALT | AST |
Normal control (2% tween 80%) | 0.11±0.01 | 56.33±14.34 | 192.83±22.85 |
Negative control CP(200mg/kg i.p) | 0.37±0.03a** | 253.33±7.41a*** | 298.83±22.30a** |
Positive control (EN 10mg/kg/Po) | 0.12±0.01b** | 62.83±6.66b*** | 185.00±10.09b** |
CE(100mg/kg)+CP(200mg/kg) | 0.22±0.04 | 72.00±8.74b*** | 222.83±19.80 |
CE(200mg/kg)+CP(200mg/kg) | 0.17±0.04b* | 66.00±10.17b*** | 216.00±15.37 |
CE(400mg/kg)+CP(200mg/kg) | 0.15±0.03b** | 64.67±3.04b*** | 188.67±12.95b** |
AF(200mg/kg)+ CP(200mg/kg) | 0.18±0.02b* | 85.67±26.94b*** | 201.00±17.32b* |
AF(400mg/kg)+ CP(200mg/kg) | 0.15±0.03b* | 84.00±12.38b*** | 196.50±10.54b* |
HF(200mg/kg)+ CP(200mg/kg) | 0.22±0.05 | 129.00±20.98a*b***c* | 248.50±19.17 |
HF(400mg/kg)+ CP(200mg/kg) | 0.22±0.06 | 127.33±8.77a*b***c* | 249.17±28.83 |
Notes: Mean ±SEM (n= 3 for troponin I: n=6 for AST and ALT); analysis was performed using one way ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc test; aCompared with normal control; bCompared with negative control (CP); cCompared with positive control; *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.
Abbreviations: AF, aqueous fraction; ALT, alanine transaminase; AST, aspartate amino transferase; CE, crude extract; CP, cyclophosphamide; EN, enalapril; HF, hexane fraction; Wt., weight.