Innovation (product and process) |
Healthy HPV vaccine market for more equitable and accessible vaccine prices
New vaccine product technologies that can increase ease of vaccination and leverage thermostability (including CTC strategies)
Innovation in dose and schedule
Multidose vaccine vials, especially to support school‐based vaccination
Programmatic innovation in delivery of vaccination
Investment (global and local)
Increased and coordinated global Investments
In‐country investments for introduction and sustainability
Investments for market shaping for improved access in MICs
Integration (of services and of communications)
Information (data for action and accountability)
Strengthening systems to get better, real‐time data for understanding gaps in coverage
Data on equity of coverage
Costing data to design most efficient delivery strategies
Influence (advocacy, communications, and partnerships)
Civil society engagement, connections with gender equality initiatives, and advocacy to generate political will
Convergence of action of various stakeholders: products, health systems, public sector, private sector, global investment, in‐country investments, community action