Table 3.
Boxes were colored in green or red if, for a given outcome, the surfactant treatment had a positive effect or none, respectively. Boxes were left blank where no data were available
#This study enrolled a mixed population of NARDS induced by meconium aspiration or sepsis but also non-ARDS conditions such as RDS or idiopathic persistent pulmonary hypertension of the neonate
†Same results with other oxygenation metrics; results obtained with up to 3 surfactant doses
*Trend which does not reach significance threshold. #There was a significant reduction in the composite outcome mortality/need for extracorporeal life support. Raw mortality was not different between the two arms
@In addition to these outcomes, there was a trend for a clinically less severe respiratory distress
ECMO extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation, PPHN persistent pulmonary hypertension of the neonate, RDS neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (hyaline membrane disease)