(A) qRT-PCR of 7-d-old adult brain extracts from repo>UAS-LacZ (Control) and repo>UAS-dEGFRλ, UAS-dp110CAAX (Glioma) flies shows an up-regulation of ImpL2 in gliomas (t test). (B, C, D, E, F) Confocal microscopy images of 7-d-old adult brains from (B) repo>UAS-LacZ (Control), (C) repo>UAS-dEGFRλ, UAS-dp110CAAX (Glioma), (D) repo>UAS-dEGFRλ, UAS-dp110CAAX, UAS-ImpL2 RNAi (Glioma ImpL2↓), (E) repo>UAS-dEGFRλ, UAS-dp110CAAX, UAS-BSKDN (Glioma BSKDN), and (F) repo>UAS-dEGFRλ, UAS-dp110CAAX, UAS-igloo RNAi (Glioma Igloo↓) animals, in all cases combined with an ImpL2-MIMIC GFP transgene (scale bar, 50 μm). (B′, C′, D′, E′, F′) Glial membrane is marked in red. (B″, C″, D″, E″, F″) Merge and DAPI staining. (G) Quantification and statistical analysis of co-localization rate between ImpL2-MIMIC GFP and glial membrane in at least N = 10 per genotype (ANOVA, post hoc Bonferroni) (**P-value < 0.01, ***P-value < 0.001).