Figure 4.
Proportion of patients in whom complete clinical remission (CR) of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis was maintained in part 2 of the study. Intent‐to‐treat (ITT) analysis of the full analysis set with imputation of missing data for nonresponders is shown. Values over bars indicate percentages, values within bars are the number of patients/total number assessed, and error bars show the 97.5% confidence intervals. Only patients in whom clinical remission was maintained for 24 weeks on the first attempt of dose reduction or dose interval prolongation of canakinumab (CAN) were categorized as responders. The proportion of patients in whom clinical remission was maintained in step 1 was significantly higher than the predefined 40% threshold (primary end point) for both treatment arms. No adjustment for multiple comparisons was performed for the remaining data shown, and therefore their presentation is only for descriptive purposes. q4w = every 4 weeks.