A) Representative 20x images of mouse and human DRG labeled with RNAscope in situ hybridization for CALCA (green), P2RX3 (blue), and TRPA1 (red) mRNA. Human DRG was costained for DAPI (purple). B) Representative 40x overlay image showing CALCA (green), P2RX3 (blue), Trpa1 (red) and DAPI (purple) signal in human DRG. White arrows point toward TRPA1-positive neurons. C) Pie chart representation of all TRPA1-positive sensory neuron subpopulations in mouse and D) human DRG. E)
TRPA1 was expressed in significantly more neurons in mouse DRG (55.2%) than in human DRG (16.3%). F) Histogram with Gaussian distribution displaying the size profile of all TRPA1-positive neurons in mouse and G) human DRG. Unpaired t-test, ***p<0.001. 20x scale bar = 50 μm. 40x scale bar = 20 μm.