Figure 6:
Hnrnph1+/− deletion does not consistently alter baseline, or alcohol withdrawal-induced increases in anxiety-like behavior. Wild-type mice (+/+) and their littermates with a heterozygous deletion of Hnrnph1 (+/−) were injected repeatedly with 4 g/kg alcohol (EtOH) or saline (SAL) and then assayed for negative affect using a test battery including the light-dark shuttle-box and marble-burying tests. (A) +/− mice but not +/+ mice showed a significant withdrawal-induced decrease in the latency to enter the light side of a light-dark shuttle-box compared to their +/− control counterparts while (B) no genotypic difference was detected for the withdrawalinduced reduction in the time spent in the light side. In the marble-burying assay, alcohol withdrawal produced a nonsignificant reduction in the latency to begin burying marbles (C) and the time spent burying (D), but no genotypic differences were detected for either variable. The data represent the means ± SEMs of the number of mice indicated in Panel A. +p < 0.05 vs. SAL (alcohol withdrawal effect).