Dietary palmitate induces ER stress in mouse knee joints. Under ER stress, BIP is released from IRE1 to trigger activation of IRE1 via autophosphorylation (P-IRE1) which further activates the expression of XBP1. Similarly, PERK is autophosphorylated (P-PERK) following the release of BIP thus inducing the ATF4 expression. Both XBP1 and ATF4 induce CHOP expression which further induces the expression of Nupr1 to elicit CC3-mediated chondrocyte apoptosis. Both CHOP and Nupr1 could induce TRB3 expression to inhibit chondrocyte survival. →, single-step stimulation;, putative single-step stimulation; → →, multistep stimulations; ⊥ ⊥, multistep inhibitions.