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. 2021 Feb 22;16(2):e0247528. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247528

Table 3. Correlations between the B-ABS and the criterion variables and correlation differences across countries.

r with antisocial behavior Correlation differences
USA Arg Neth Sp USA—Arg USA—Neth USA—Sp Arg—Neth Arg—Sp Neth—Sp
Big 5 PD
Emotional stability -.023 -.003 .066 -.030 .020 .089 .007 .069 .027 .096
Extraversion -.096 .058 .011 -.002 .154 .107 .094 .047 .060 .013
Openness -.142 -.028 -.052 -.072 .114 .090 .070 .024 .044 .020
Agreeableness -.280 -.190 -.247 -.246 .090 .033 .034 .057 .056 .001
Conscientiousness -.246 -.209 -.167 -.220 .037 .079 .026 .042 .011 .053
Impulsivity traits
Negative urgency .190 .266 .204 .152 .076 .014 .038 .062 .114 .052
Perseverance -.131 -.009 -.059 -.161 .122 .072 .030 .050 .152 .102
Premeditation -.267 -.144 -.167 -.224 .123 .100 .043 .023 .080 .057
Sensation seeking .026 .294 .111 .115 .268 .085 .089 .183 .179 .004
Positive urgency .257 .210 .314 .269 .047 .057 .012 .104 .059 .045
Mental health symptoms
Depression .106 .060 .154 .037 .046 .048 .069 .094 .023 .117
Anger .103 .116 .077 .046 .013 .026 .057 .039 .070 .031
Mania .211 .142 .128 .101 .069 .083 .110 .014 .041 .027
Anxiety .124 .096 .123 .094 .028 .001 .030 .027 .002 .029
Somatic distress .191 .196 .148 .119 .005 .043 .072 .048 .077 .029
Suicidal ideation .253 .154 .237 .183 .099 .016 .070 .083 .029 .054
Psychosis .370 .236 .293 .310 .134 .077 .060 .057 .074 .017
Sleep disturbance .136 .131 .136 .074 .005 .000 .062 .005 .057 .062
Memory .228 .194 .318 .207 .034 .090 .021 .124 .013 .111
Repetitive thoughts .277 .203 .190 .252 .074 .087 .025 .013 .049 .062
Dissociation .235 .142 .331 .177 .093 .096 .058 .189 .035 .154
Personality functioning .167 .122 .219 .171 .045 .052 .004 .097 .049 .048
Alcohol use .299 .147 .034 .266 .152 .265 .033 .113 .119 .232
Tobacco use .326 .191 .235 .191 .135 .091 .135 .044 .000 .044
Illicit drug use .326 .201 .243 .232 .125 .083 .094 .042 .031 .011
Total mental health score .294 .242 .305 .251 .052 -.011 .043 .063 .009 .054
Marijuana outcomes
Marijuana status last 30 days .083 .092 .023 .180 .009 .060 .097 .069 .088 .157
Marijuana frequency last 30 days .094 .205 .099 .153 .111 .005 .059 .106 .052 .054
Marijuana quantity typical week .132 .247 -.038 .026 .115 .170 .106 .285 .221 .064
Marijuana frequency typical week .054 .248 .226 .070 .194 .172 .016 .022 .178 .156
Negative marijuana consequences .137 .293 .351 .166 .156 .214 .029 .058 .127 .185

Note. USA = United States; Arg = Argentina; Neth = Netherlands; Sp = Spain. Correlations with a p < .05 or lower are marked in bold. Medium correlation differences are italicized (.128 < rdiff < .184), large differences are shown in bold (.184 < rdiff < .240), and substantial differences are denoted in bold and are underlined (rdiff > .240).