(A) Schematic depiction of experimental procedure for in vivo IL single-unit recordings, combined with chemogenetic inhibition of mPFC→BNST neurons during retrieval (n = 8–9 mice per group/virus). (B) Cartoon of viral strategy and representative image of hM4Di-mCherry labeling in the mPFC and electrode array placement in the IL (scale bar = 500 µm). (C) Raster plot of a representative IL unit firing in response to CS onset (CS-ON neuron). Baseline-normalized population trace of CS-ON neuronal activity during retrieval; average of all groups (D) and split by group (E). (F) Higher percentage of CS-ON units during PRF than FRF retrieval in mice transfected with mCherry, not hHM4Di (n = 17 recorded units in PRF/mCherry, n = 25 units in PRF/hM4Di, n = 20 units in FRF/mCherry, n = 17 units in FRF/hM4Di, from three mice per group/virus). Baseline-normalized population trace of freeze cessation (Freeze-OFF neurons) IL unit activity during retrieval; average of all groups (G) and split by group (H) (n = 3 CS units in PRF/mCherry, n = 6 units in PRF/hM4Di, n = 1 units in FRF/mCherry, n = 1 units in FRF/hM4Di). (I) Higher percentage of Freeze-OFF units during PRF than FRF retrieval in mice transfected with mCherry, not hHM4Di (n = 17 recorded units in PRF/mCherry, n = 25 units in PRF/hM4Di, n = 20 units in FRF/mCherry, n = 17 units in FRF/hM4Di, from three mice per group/virus, n = 4 Freeze-OFF units in PRF/mCherry, n = 6 units in PRF/hM4Di, n = 3 units in FRF/mCherry, n = 0 units in FRF/hM4Di). Baseline-normalized population trace of freeze onset (Freeze-ON neurons) IL unit activity during retrieval; average of all groups (J) and split by group (K). (L) No differences in the percentage of Freeze-OFF units during retrieval between groups (n = 17 units in PRF/mCherry, n = 25 units in PRF/hM4Di, n = 20 units in FRF/mCherry, n = 17 units in FRF/hM4Di, from three mice per group/virus, n = 4 Freeze-ON units in PRF/mCherry, n = 6 units in PRF/hM4Di, n = 4 units in FRF/mCherry, n = 2 units in FRF/hM4Di). Data are means ± SEM. *p<0.05.