Table 3.
Number and characteristics of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)
All patients (N = 163) |
COVID-19 (N = 47) |
Non-COVID-19 (N = 116) |
Rate of cerebral imaginga | 96 (58.3%) | 26 (55.3%) | 70 (60.3%) |
Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) | 22 (13.5%) | 9 (19.1%) | 13 (11.2%) |
Fatal intracerebral hemorrhage | 6 (3.7%) | 3 (6.3%) | 3 (2.5%) |
Characteristics of ICH | All ICH(N = 22) | COVID-19 ICH(N = 9) | Non-COVID-19 ICH(N = 13) |
Typical localization of ICH only (basal ganglia, brainstem, cerebellum) | 1 (4.5%) | 0 | 1 (7.7%) |
Atypical localization of ICH only | 9 (40.9%) | 2 (22.2%) | 7 (61.5%) |
Cortical | 2 (9.1%) | 1 (11.1%) | 1 (7.7%) |
Subcortical | 7 (31.8%) | 1 (11.1%) | 6 (46.2%) |
SAH only | 5 (22.7%) | 2 (22.2%) | 3 (23.1%) |
SDH/EDH only | 3 (13.6%) | 1 (11.1%) | 2 (15.4%) |
Multiple (types of bleeding) | 4 (18.2%) | 4 (44.4%)b | 0 |
Fluid level observed | 3 (13.6%) | 3 (33.3%)c | 0 |
Additional intraventricular hemorrhage | 6 (27.3%) | 2 (22.2%) | 4 (30.7%) |
RASS on day of hemorrhage | − 3.2 ± 1.8 (− 5–0) | − 3.1 ± 2.2 (− 5–0) | − 3.4 ± 1.6 (− 5–0) |
Length of stay until hemorrhage | 17.6 ± 17.6 (0–63) | 20.4 ± 14.8 (2–47) | 15.5 ± 19.6 (0–63) |
Hemorrhage during IMVd | 19 (86.4%) | 7 (77.8%) | 12 (92.3%) |
Hemorrhage during RRT | 8 (36.4%) | 3 (33.3%) | 5 (38.5%) |
Hemorrhage during VV-ECMO | 13 (50.0%) | 4 (44.4%)e | 9 (69.2%) |
HAS-BLED Score 48 h prior to hemorrhage | 2.3 ± 1.3 (0–4) | 2.3 ± 1.4 (0–4) | 2.3 ± 1.3 (0–4) |
Blood pressure excess 48 h prior to hemorrhage | 5 (27.3%) | 2 (22.2%) | 3 (23.1%) |
aPTT excess 48 h prior to hemorrhage | 4 (18.0%) | 1 (11.1%) | 3 (23.1%) |
Characteristics of intracerebral hemorrhage are displayed for all patients, in patients with COVID-19 ARDS and non-COVID-19 ARDS. Data are n (%) or mean with standard deviation and range. No statistical significance could be found in rate of cerebral imaging (p = 0.555), intracerebral hemorrhage (p = 0.208) or fatal intracerebral hemorrhage (p = 0.356) between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients
aPTT Activated partial thromboplastin time, EDH Epidural hemorrhage, HAS-BLED Validated score for bleeding risk, ICH Intracerebral hemorrhage, IMV Invasive mechanical ventilation, SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage, SDH subdural hematoma, RASS Richmond agitation sedation scale, RRT Renal replacement therapy, VV-ECMO Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
a94 Cerebral computed tomographies (CT) only, 2 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain only, 6 CT and MRI
b2 Patients with subcortical ICH + SAH (22.2%); 1 patient with subcortical ICH + SDH + SAH (11.1%); 1 patient with subcortical + cortical ICH 1 (11.1%)
cOnly observed in multiple
dNo ICH under non-invasive ventilation or nasal high flow
eIn one patient ICH was detected after VV-ECMO weaning but associated with VV-ECMO therapy and included in this group