Demographic and work-related characteristics of healthcare workers in a survey about COVID-19 in Switzerland, June 16th until July 15th 2020 (n = 185).
Works with COVID-19 patientsa % (n) | |
Yes | 21.6 (40) |
No | 27.0 (50) |
Still undetermined at the time | 51.4 (95) |
Health sector (multiple allowed) % (n) | |
Acute care (incl. psychiatric acute care) | 21.6 (40) |
Nursing homes | 54.1 (100) |
Home care | 16.2 (30) |
Other | 11.9 (22) |
No answer | 2.7 (5) |
Specialized field (multiple allowed) % (n) | |
Somatic care | 19.5 (36) |
Geriatrics | 60.0 (111) |
Psychiatry | 9.2 (17) |
Other | 22.2 (41) |
No answer | 2.7 (5) |
Hierarchical level % (n) | |
Leading position | 56.2 (104) |
Technical lead | 17.8 (33) |
None of the above | 22.7 (42) |
No answer | 3.2 (6) |
Age (years) | |
Mean ± SD | 47.1 ± 9.7 |
Median (min-max) | 49 (23-68) |
Gender, children % (n) | |
Female | 88.6 (164) |
Has children (of any age) | 67.1 (110) |
Has children (minors only) | 45.7 (75) |
Male | 11.4 (21) |
Has children (of any age) | 47.6 (10) |
Has children (minors only) | 38.1 (8) |
Lives by her-/himself % (n) | |
Yes | 15.7 (29) |
No | 84.3 (156) |
Countryb % (n) | |
Switzerland | 82.7 (153) |
Germany | 14.1 (26) |
Other | 3.2 (6) |
aWithin 6 months following the survey. bIn which most of education has been passed.