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. 2021 Feb 9;12:628033. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.628033


Demographic and work-related characteristics of healthcare workers in a survey about COVID-19 in Switzerland, June 16th until July 15th 2020 (n = 185).

Works with COVID-19 patientsa % (n)
 Yes 21.6 (40)
 No 27.0 (50)
 Still undetermined at the time 51.4 (95)
Health sector (multiple allowed) % (n)
 Acute care (incl. psychiatric acute care) 21.6 (40)
 Nursing homes 54.1 (100)
 Home care 16.2 (30)
 Other 11.9 (22)
 No answer 2.7 (5)
Specialized field (multiple allowed) % (n)
 Somatic care 19.5 (36)
 Geriatrics 60.0 (111)
 Psychiatry 9.2 (17)
 Other 22.2 (41)
 No answer 2.7 (5)
Hierarchical level % (n)
 Leading position 56.2 (104)
 Technical lead 17.8 (33)
 None of the above 22.7 (42)
 No answer 3.2 (6)
Age (years)
 Mean ± SD 47.1 ± 9.7
 Median (min-max) 49 (23-68)
Gender, children % (n)
 Female 88.6 (164)
  Has children (of any age) 67.1 (110)
  Has children (minors only) 45.7 (75)
 Male 11.4 (21)
  Has children (of any age) 47.6 (10)
  Has children (minors only) 38.1 (8)
Lives by her-/himself % (n)
 Yes 15.7 (29)
 No 84.3 (156)
Countryb % (n)
 Switzerland 82.7 (153)
 Germany 14.1 (26)
 Other 3.2 (6)

aWithin 6 months following the survey. bIn which most of education has been passed.