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. 2021 Feb 9;12:628033. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.628033


Likelihood of further pandemic waves after the first wave of COVID-19 according to healthcare workers in a survey from Switzerland, June 16th until July 15th 2020 (n = 185).

No Item % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n)
[CI %] [CI %] [CI %] [CI %] [CI %] [CI %]
Question: How likely is the following to take place? Certainly ≥Very likely ≥ Rather likely ≤Rather unlikely ≤ Very unlikely Certainly not
F1 A second wave of COVID-19 infections in Switzerland beginning before the end of the year 2020. 11.4 (21) [7.5; 16.7] 36.8 (68) [30.1; 43.9] 77.8 (144) [71.3; 83.2] 22.2 (41) [16.8; 28.7] 2.2 (4) [0.8; 5.4] 0.5 (1) [0.1; 3.0]
F2 A different pathogen causing another pandemic of equivalent or greater magnitude than COVID-19 within the next 20 years. 12.4 (23) [8.4; 18.0] 43.2 (80) [36.3; 50.4] 88.6 (164) [83.3; 92.5] 11.4 (21) [7.5; 16.7] 2.7 (5) [1.2; 6.2] 0.5 (1) [0.1; 3.0]

The six answer options were “certainly,” “very likely,” “rather likely,” “rather unlikely,” “very unlikely,” and “certainly not;≥Rather likely” encompasses all individuals who answered “rather likely,” “very likely,” or “certainly;” “≤Rather unlikely” encompasses all individuals who answered “rather unlikely,” “very unlikely,” or “certainly not.” “CI” stands for Wilson’s confidence interval.