Fig. 3. The in-situ plasma and current conditions for the orbit of DMSP F16 shown in Fig. 2a.
a, b The cross-track horizontal and vertical ion flow; c electron and ion temperature; d the three components of the measured magnetic field subtracted by the modeled magnetic field from the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) model45; e the calculated field-aligned current; f the precipitating electron and ion total energy flux, JE; g the electron and ion average energy, Avg E; h the precipitating electron energy flux, and i the precipitating ion energy flux. Data in a–c are measured by SSIES, data in d, e are observed or calculated from the magnetic field measurement of SSM, and data in f–i are measured by the Special Sensor for Precipitating Particles (SSJ4) instrument on board the DMSP F16 satellite.