Pilus components and related factors of pathogenic streptococci. Pilus major (backbone pilin) and minor (tip and base pilin) subunits of Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS), Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS), and Streptococcus pneumoniae are depicted. GBS pilus genes are located in three pilus island (PI) types, while S. pneumoniae pilus genes are located in two types of pilus islets (PIs). LPXTG or an LPXTG-like motif is shown under each pilin. Related pilus-specific sortases and their class, i.e., sortase class B or C, are also shown. Note that GAS SrtB and SrtC1/2 belongs to class C and B, respectively. A requirement of SipA/LepA for pilus assembly is also shown by “+.” Pilin subunits of FCT forms 5 and 6 are presented as gene tag numbers of MGANC_008024S10750 (serotype M4, genome accession number NC_008024) and MGAS10270 (serotype M2, genome accession number NC_008022), respectively. Subunits of GBS pili are also shown as tag numbers in 2603V/R (serotype V, genome accession number NC_004116.1) and COH1 (serotype III, genome accession number HG939456).