Relationships of EMGlow with BIS and Poincaré plot parameter PPAR_f5. Scatter plots display correlations between (1) EMGlow and BIS and (2) EMGlow and PPAR_f5 in the adult_SEV, adult_DES, and ped_SEV groups and in the all_combined group. adult_SEV, adult patients anesthetized with sevoflurane (n = 20); adult_DES, adult patients anesthetized with desflurane (n = 20); ped_SEV, pediatric patients anesthetized with sevoflurane (n = 20); all_combined, all patients from the three groups (n = 60). RINEARN Graph 3D (free software ver 5.6,, RINEARN, Kyoto, Japan) was used for the creation of graphs. EMGlow, a BIS monitor-derived electromyography parameter corresponding to absolute power in the 70–110 Hz range, and values in decibel (dB) with respect to 0.0001 μV2; BIS, bispectral index; PPAR_f5, Poincaré plot-area ratio at f5:30–47 Hz; R2, coefficient of determination.