Figure 6.
Reovirus Infection of Tumors Induces Significant Expression of Immune Subset Genes, Immune-Regulatory Genes, and Stimulatory Dendritic Cell Chemoattractants
NanoString’s Pan Cancer Immune Profiling RNA Panel was used to investigate the differential gene expression of total RNA from untreated or reovirus-treated TRAMP-C2 tumors. (A) A heatmap showing the expression of genes encoding for different innate and adaptive immune cell subsets were significantly increased in the reovirus-treated tumors compared with the control PBS-treated tumors. (B–D) Genes encoding chemokine receptors (B), the immune-regulatory genes PD-L1 and BTLA (C), and chemoattractants for stimulatory DCs (XCL5, CCL5, and FLT3LG) (D) were significantly increased in the reovirus-treated tumors compared with untreated tumors (significant differences between untreated or reovirus-infected cultures as determined by unpaired t test; ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01,∗∗∗p < 0.001).