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. 2021 Feb 23;34(10):108837. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108837

Table 1.

Clinical description and outcome of African green monkeys after SARS-CoV-2 challenge

Subject no. Sex Clinical illness Clinical pathology
HD-AGM-1 M decreased appetite (d4); subject survived to study endpoint (d5) lymphocytopenia (d2, 3); eosinopenia (d2, 3); basopenia (d2, 3); hypoglycemia (d3, 4); ↑ CRP (d4)
HD-AGM-2 F none; subject survived to study endpoint (d5) monocytopenia (d2); eosinopenia (d2, 3); basopenia (d2–4); mild thrombocytopenia (d4); hypoglycemia (d2–5); ↑ CRE (d3, 4); ↑ AST (d3); ↑ CRP (d4)
HD-AGM-3 F none; subject survived to study endpoint (d5) monocytosis (d3); neutrophilia (d2, 4, 5); eosinophilia (d2–5); basophilia (d2–5); hypoglycemia (d5); ↑ CRE (d4); ↑ CRP (d4, 5)
HD-AGM-4 M none; subject survived to study endpoint (d5) eosinopenia (d2, 3); basopenia (d2, 3); ↑ ALT (d4, 5); ↑ AST (d3–5); ↑ CRP (d4)
LD-AGM-1 M decreased appetite (4, 5); subject survived to study endpoint (d5) eosinopenia (d2,3); basopenia (d3); thrombocytopenia (d3, 5); ↑ ALT (d4, 5); ↑ AST (d2–5); ↑ CRP (d4)
LD-AGM-2 F decreased appetite (d1–5); subject survived to study endpoint (d5) lymphocytopenia (d5); neutropenia (d2–5); eosinopenia (d2–5); basopenia (d2–5); ↑ ALT (d4, 5); ↑ AST (d3–5)
LD-AGM-3 F none; subject survived to study endpoint (d5) lymphocytopenia (d2); neutropenia (d2); eosinopenia (d2–4); basopenia (d2–4); mild thrombocytopenia (d4); monocytosis (d3); ↑ ALT (d3, 4); ↑ AST (d3, 4); hypoamylasemia (d2); ↑↑ CRP (d4); ↑ CRP (d5)
LD-AGM-4 M tachypnea (d5); subject survived to study endpoint (d5) monocytosis (d4, 5); neutrophilia (d4); eosinophilia (d4); basophilia (d4); mild thrombocytopenia (d4, 5); ↑ ALT (d4); ↑ AST (d3, 4); ↑↑ CRP (d4)
C-AGM-1 M none; subject survived to study endpoint (d5) neutrophilia (d4); eosinophilia (d4); basophilia (d4); mild thrombocytopenia (d5); ↑ ALT (d3); ↑ AST (d3, 5); ↑ CRP (d4, 5)
C-AGM-2 M none; subject survived to study endpoint (d5) monocytosis (d2, 4); neutropenia (d4); eosinopenia (d2, 4); basopenia (d2–5); thrombocytopenia (d3); mild thrombocytopenia (d4); ↑ CRE (d4); ↑ AST (d3–5); ↑ CRP (d4, 5)

Days after the SARS-CoV-2 challenge are in parentheses. All reported findings are in comparison to baseline (d0) values. Decreased appetite is defined as some food but not all food consumed from the previous day. Anorexia is defined as no food consumed from the previous day. Lymphocytopenia, monocytopenia, erythrocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, eosinopenia, and basopenia are defined by a ≥35% drop in numbers of lymphocytes, monocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils, respectively. Thrombocytopenia is defined as mild if the drop in number of platelets is 25%–34.9%. Lymphocytosis, monocytosis, neutrophilia, eosinophilia, and basophilia are defined by a 100% or greater increase in numbers of lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, or basophils, respectively. Hyperglycemia is defined as a 100% or greater increase in levels of glucose. Hypoglycemia is defined by a ≥25% decrease in levels of glucose. Hypoalbuminemia is defined by a ≥25% decrease in levels of albumin. Hypoproteinemia is defined by a ≥25% decrease in levels of total protein. Hypoamylasemia is defined by a ≥25% decrease in levels of serum amylase. Hypocalcemia is defined by a ≥25% decrease in levels of serum calcium. Hypercapnia was defined as having a partial CO2 > 4 mmHg over d0 baseline values. Increases in ALT, AST, ALP, CRE, CRP, Hct, and Hgb were graded on the following scale: ↑, 1- to 5-fold; ↑↑, >5- to 10-fold; ↑↑↑, >10- to 20-fold; ↑↑↑↑, >20-fold. HD, high dose; LD, low dose; AGM, African green monkey; d, day; M, male; F, female; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; CRE, creatinine; CRP, C-reactive protein; Hct, hematocrit; Hgb, hemoglobin.